How defaulted loans are taken into account in TTWROR?


I found your application very helpful and would like to use it while investing in some peer-to-peer lending platforms as Mintos. But couldn’t find information regarding loan defaults regulation. Could you please explain how Portfolio Performance application take into account defaulted loans (it means that whole principal wasn’t paid back even though we receive some interests) and whether it effects return rate in your application? It seemed to me you assume that all principal will be paid in any case, so they do not actually appear in calculation. At the same time I understand that it can’t go without any trace and you’ve surely included the defaulted loans’ effect on return rate but I don’t get how.
I will be very grateful if you could clarify me this question.

Best regards,

How did you book your P2P investments in Portfolio Performance? In particular how did you book the defaulted loans?

PP relies in the information entered by you to calculate performance metrics.

Well, currently we don’t book defaults yet but we want to take them into account. Would it be correct to consider defaulted loans (principal that is written off) as transfer_out or interest_charge? Or could you please explain what is meant by transfer_in, transfer_out, interest_charge in /portfolio/model/ for example.
And thank you a lot for reply!

Best regards,

To me it seems your actual question is on how to book P2P investments in PP. The relevant topic in German would be this one: P2P Kredite bei Portfolio Performance. Maybe Google/DeepL can help?

Could you elaborate a little bit on what you are planning to do? Usually users should be able to create transactions using the GUI including the import functionality.