JPY/EUR rounding makes currency graph values very imprecise

Hello !

First of all thanks very much for this great app !

I’m investing on JPY with EUR as a base currency. Therefore 1 yen is approx 0.006 euro ( as of Jan 2025 ) .

JPY / EUR currency graphs seem to be rounded to the 4th digit after 0 ( see screenshot ) , thus making JPY / EUR very “staircased” → this impacts precision on performance metrics.

Do you have a workaround ?

Thanks very much

I’m not sure what kind of soure you are using for JPY, but it’s very common to define 100 JPY rather than 1 JPY.

Your setup looks very strange. If you hold Yen, you should have a normal account with Yen as the currency in PP, not some self-defined security.

Hi, thanks for looking at this problem.

Since I use Revolut for currency exchanges, I often have 1% fees, so the onlyway I’ve found to record these fees on buying Yen with Euro is to use JPY/EUR security from Yahoo Finance.

I would be happy to use your solution, which seems simpler, however how should I proceed to enter fees when transferring between EUR and JPY deposit accounts in PP ?

Thanks very much for your help.



Hi, I’m using JPY/EUR from Yahoo Finance.

Is it possible, in PP , to have an updated 100*JPY graph ? ( like a kind of mathematical formula editor between different securities )

Maybe this is gonna help you out:

Section 2 currencies:

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You could pull the YF quote via JSON, which alows such multiplication:

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Thanks very much for your solution proposals, I’ll try and implement them soon in my portfolio.