#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://essiembre.github.io/eclipse-rbe/) #Eclipse modern messages class #Sat Jun 13 22:27:33 CEST 2020 AboutText = Portfolio Performance\n\nVersion: {0} ({1})\nPlatform: {2}, {3}\nJava: {4}, {5}\n\n\u00A9 2012 - 2023, [Andreas Buchen](https://github.com/buchen). All rights reserved. \n\nIn memory of my mother. AboutTextDeveloped = Developed with contributions by AboutTextDevelopers = simpsus,jahzoo,gynngr,nistude,mwhesse,derari,necoro,alani1,sebasbaumh,juelicher,wsteitz,beluk,hjbflyer,ZfT2,etzelc,flobjective,akoch,bbrach,tobsen987,gubwe,cmaoling,es86de,DominikHolzapfel,sunnylars,jklw,Ragas13,stephanmunich,fbartnitzek,Galgemaennle,jarischaefer,votacom,Al2Klimov,fuchsst,keszocze,mccare,redevening,tomcastro89,christian-wehrheim,derari,Mauin,masterzuso,rbaeumler,doncristobal,steve84,MarkusTiede,quapla,KopolJunam,verybadsoldier,sennahLessert,tzemp,marco-5,debegr92,toastie89,tenjaa,do3meli,AlphaCentauri1983,andre68723,inv-trad,xemwebe,SoftwareKater,Pnda87,chrisaut,chapph,fvollmer,Mattizin,adrienkohlbecker,benutzername-pp,Verdrahter,SimonScholz,tobias-feldmann,bytefactory73,fabeulous,gregorko,thilo20,mpeterson,jdstamp,Alain-CYS,pascalhein,SerayaEryn,Nirus2000,damarvin,fcaputo,chirlu,fabtagon,MrMarvin,christen90,lahr,NicolaiSchmid,fabian-hahn,huch,pleeplop,roshanshariff,kuehnelth,RomanLangrehr,matthesvoss,D4koon,tweimer,mjtic12,mirkoruether,buletti,kasch-code,alvarobp,flywire,wegwart,rumpeltux,shochmuth,OnkelDok,opt-natter,robertron,metal450,Clemens82,pentamassiv,kingbtcvl,vihtap,0mynona0,tquellenberg,jdugge,auchri,hannnees,digedag,rsnitsch,knorx,eztam-,csprunk,icecoldfire,ah4c,ma4nn,davidm3i,kellerkind87,schurteb,vandercorreiajr,rcjan AboutTextOtherSoftware = [Portfolio Performance Forum](https://forum.portfolio-performance.info) run by [@Thomas](https://forum.portfolio-performance.info/u/thomas)\n\nThis product includes software developed by the\n [Eclipse Foundation](http://eclipse.org/)\n [Apache Software Foundation](http://apache.org/)\n [SWT Chart Project](http://www.swtchart.org/)\n [Tree Map Library](http://code.google.com/p/treemaplib/)\n [jsoup Java HTML Parser](http://jsoup.org)\n [JSON.simple](https://code.google.com/p/json-simple/)\n [D3.js](http://d3js.org)\n [OpenJDK](http://openjdk.java.net/) JRE binaries build by [Azul Zulu](https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu/).\n\nIcons by [iconmonstr](http://iconmonstr.com).\n\nThis product is published under the [Eclipse Public License](http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html). AboutTextTranslationDevelopers = Translations:\n Spanish by [PabloReyes](https://github.com/PabloReyes)\n Dutch by Mi, Thomas, Dizzy, and Caspar\n Portuguese by [iwalucas](https://github.com/iwalucas), Bruno, Paulo Santos, Teppss\n French by [Skymirrh](https://github.com/Skymirrh)\n Italian by [dfdario](https://github.com/dfdario), Luca, Emanuele, Dario Di Ludovico\n Czech by [drozdikd](https://github.com/drozdikd)\n Russian by Alexander Alyoshin\n Slovak by [Tom\u00E1\u0161 Van\u010Do](https://github.com/seg-on)\n Polish by Marcin Wichtowski and Arkadiusz Wojtowicz\n Chinese (simplified) by [Jiahao Li](https://github.com/TheJiahao)\n Danish by Arthur Madsen\n\n [Help us and join translation team](https://poeditor.com/join/project?hash=4lYKLpEWOY) AccountFilterRetiredAccounts = Hide inactive accounts AccountMenuActivate = Activate account AccountMenuAdd = Add account AccountMenuDeactivate = Deactivate account AccountMenuDelete = Delete account AccountMenuDeleteConfirm = Do you really want to delete account ''{0}''? AccountMenuDeleteTransaction = Delete transaction AccountMenuImportCSV = Import CSV... AccountMenuImportPDF = Import PDF... AccountMenuTransfer = Transfer... AttributeSettings = Attribute Settings AttributeSettings_LimitPrice_ColorSettings = Colors AttributeSettings_LimitPrice_ColorSettings_LimitExceededNegatively = Color 'limit exceeded negatively' AttributeSettings_LimitPrice_ColorSettings_LimitExceededPositively = Color 'limit exceeded positively' AttributeSettings_LimitPrice_ColorSettings_ResetColors = Reset to default AttributeSettings_LimitPrice_ColorSettings_SwapColors = Swap colors AttributeSettings_LimitPrice_ColumnSettings = Columns AttributeSettings_LimitPrice_ColumnSettings_ShowAbsoluteDiff = Show absolute distance AttributeSettings_LimitPrice_ColumnSettings_ShowRelativeDiff = Show relative distance AttributeSettings_NoSettingAvailable = No settings available for ''{0}'' AttributeTypeTitle = Attributes Balance = Balance BaseCurrencyCue = ** BaseCurrencyMigrationPage_Description = Accounts and securities now support currencies. BaseCurrencyMigrationPage_ExplanationIndividualCurrency = Choose here your base currency which will also be used as the default value for reports, accounts and securities.\n\nIf the currency for certain individual accounts or securities is different from your base currency, those should be changed after completing the migration wizard. BaseCurrencySelectionPage_Description = Choose the base currency, which will also be used as the\ndefault value for reports, accounts and securities. BaseCurrencySelectionPage_ExplanationIndividualCurrency = If the currency for certain individual accounts or securities is different from your base currency, those should be changed after completing the import wizard. BaseCurrencySelectionPage_Title = Choose the base currency BookmarkMenu_EditBookmarks = Configure Bookmarks... BookmarksListView_LabelAttributeReplacements = Attribute Placeholder BookmarksListView_LabelDefaultReplacements = Default placeholder BookmarksListView_LabelReplaceFirstAvailable = Use first available placeholder BookmarksListView_NewBookmark = New Bookmark BookmarksListView_addSeparator = Add Separator BookmarksListView_bookmark = Bookmark BookmarksListView_delete = Delete BookmarksListView_insertAfter = Insert after BookmarksListView_insertBefore = Insert before BookmarksListView_replacements = Insert replacement BookmarksListView_title = Bookmarks BookmarksListView_url = URL BtnLabelApply = Apply BtnLabelApplyAndClose = Apply and Close BtnLabelOpenInvestmentPlanView = Open investment plans BtnLabelRestartLater = Restart later BtnLabelRestartNow = Restart now BtnTooltipInvertExchangeRate = Invert the exchange rate value.\n\nPlease note: this operation does not change the notation of the exchange rate, but simply divides 1 by the current value. CSVConfigCSVImportLabelFileJSON = JSON files (*.json) CSVConfigDelete = Delete configuration CSVConfigDialogTitleSave = Save CSV Configuration CSVConfigExport = Export configuration... CSVConfigImport = Import configuration... CSVConfigLabelBuiltIn = Built-in Configurations CSVConfigLabelUserSpecific = User-specific Configurations CSVConfigRereadColumnsFromFile = Re-read column configuration CSVConfigSave = Save current configuration CSVImportErrorMissingFields = Unmapped required field(s): {0} CSVImportInformationOptionalFields = Unmapped optional fields: {0} CSVImportLabelDelimiter = Delimiter: CSVImportLabelDoubleClickHere = Double click here. CSVImportLabelEditMapping = Mapped to Field CSVImportLabelEncoding = Encoding: CSVImportLabelExpectedValue = Value CSVImportLabelFileAll = All Files (*.*) CSVImportLabelFileCSV = Comma-separated Values (*.csv) CSVImportLabelFirstLineIsHeader = First line contains header CSVImportLabelFormat = Format CSVImportLabelMappedToField = -> ''{0}'' CSVImportLabelProvidedValue = Mapped CSVImportLabelSkipLines = Skip lines: CSVImportLabelTarget = Type of data: CSVImportSeparatorComma = Comma (,) CSVImportSeparatorSemicolon = Semicolon (;) CSVImportSeparatorTab = Tab CSVImportWizardDescription = First choose target,\nthen assign fields by double-clicking into the column. CSVImportWizardTitle = CSV Import CellEditor_NotANumber = Not a valid number: %s ChartBringForward = Bring forward ChartBringToFront = Bring to front ChartMenuPosition = Position ChartMenuSorting = Sort ChartSendBackwards = Send backwards ChartSendToBack = Send to back ChartSeriesBenchmarkSuffix = (Benchmark) ChartSeriesCopySeriesFromOtherChart = Copy from ChartSeriesPickerAddBenchmark = Add benchmark... ChartSeriesPickerAddItem = Add data series... ChartSeriesPickerColor = Color... ChartSeriesPickerDialogMsg = Name of view ChartSeriesPickerLineStyle = Line Style ChartSeriesPickerLineWidth = Line width ChartSeriesPickerRemove = Remove ChartSeriesPickerShowArea = Show Area ChartSeriesPickerTitle = Pick data series ChartSeriesReplaceSeriesByOtherChart = Replace by ChartSortAZ = A-Z ChartSortZA = Z-A ClientEditorLabelChart = Chart ClientEditorLabelClientMasterData = Accounts ClientEditorLabelGeneralData = General Data ClientEditorLabelHoldings = Holdings ClientEditorLabelPerformance = Performance ClientEditorLabelReports = Reports ClientEditorLabelReturnsVolatility = Return / Volatility ClientEditorPerformanceCalculation = Calculation ColumnAbsolutePerformance = Abs.Perf. ColumnAbsolutePerformancePercent = Abs.Perf. % ColumnAbsolutePerformancePercent_Description = Absolute performance % = absolute performance / ( initial valuation + buy/inbound deliveries )\n\nThe absolute performance in percent is always limited to the reporting period, e.g. the purchase value is the valuation of the security position at the beginning of the reporting period.\n\nThe absolute performance in percent differs from the "capital gains (current holdings)" figure to the effect that dividends, taxes, and capital gains of sold securities are included. ColumnAbsolutePerformancePercent_MenuLabel = Absolute Performance % ColumnAbsolutePerformancePercent_Option = Abs.Perf. % {0} ColumnAbsolutePerformance_Description = Absolute performance = market value + sell/outbound deliveries + dividends - taxes - fees - initial valuation - buy/inbound deliveries\n\nThe absolute performance figure is always limited to the reporting period, e.g. the purchase value is the valuation of the security position at the beginning of the reporting period.\n\nThe absolute performance differs from the "capital gains (current holdings)" figure to the effect that dividends, taxes, and capital gains of sold securities are included. ColumnAbsolutePerformance_MenuLabel = Absolute Performance ColumnAbsolutePerformance_Option = Abs.Perf. {0} ColumnAccount = Cash Account ColumnAccount2nd = Target Cash Account ColumnAccountFrom = From ColumnAccountTo = To ColumnActualPercent = ACTUAL % ColumnActualValue = ACTUAL Value ColumnActualValueBaseCurrency = ACTUAL Value (Base Currency) ColumnAmount = Amount ColumnAutoGenerate = Auto-Generate ColumnBalance = Balance ColumnBalance_Description = Balance of the account including all transactions up until and including the current day. Transactions with dates in the future are not included. ColumnBaseCurrency = Base Currency ColumnCapitalGains = Capital Gains (FIFO, current holdings) ColumnCapitalGainsMovingAverage = Capital Gains (MA, current holdings) ColumnCapitalGainsMovingAveragePercent = Capital Gains % (MA, current holdings) ColumnCapitalGainsMovingAveragePercent_Description = Capital Gains % (moving average, current holdings) = (Market Value - Purchase Value (moving average)) / Purchase Value (moving average)\n\nThe capital gains figure is always limited to the reporting period, e.g. the purchase value is either a security purchase within the reporting period or the valuation of the security at the beginning of the period.\n\nThe figure considers only holdings at the end of the reporting period.\n\nThe purchase value is calculated according to the moving average principle (as opposed to FIFO). ColumnCapitalGainsMovingAveragePercent_MenuLabel = Capital Gains % (moving average, current holdings) ColumnCapitalGainsMovingAveragePercent_Option = Capital Gains (MA) % {0} ColumnCapitalGainsMovingAverage_Description = Capital Gains (moving average, current holdings) = Market Value - Purchase Value (moving average)\n\nThe capital gains figure is always limited to the reporting period, e.g. the purchase value is either a security purchase within the reporting period or the valuation of the security at the beginning of the period.\n\nThe figure considers only holdings at the end of the reporting period.\n\nThe purchase value is calculated according to the moving average principle (as opposed to FIFO). ColumnCapitalGainsMovingAverage_MenuLabel = Capital Gains (moving average, current holdings) ColumnCapitalGainsMovingAverage_Option = Capital Gains (MA) {0} ColumnCapitalGainsPercent = Capital Gains % (FIFO, current holdings) ColumnCapitalGainsPercent_Description = Capital Gains % (current holdings) = (Market Value - Purchase Value (FIFO)) / Purchase Value (FIFO)\n\nThe capital gains figure is always limited to the reporting period, e.g. the purchase value is either a security purchase within the reporting period or the valuation of the security at the beginning of the period.\n\nThe figure considers only holdings at the end of the reporting period.\n\nThe purchase value is calculated according to the FIFO principle (First In - First Out). ColumnCapitalGainsPercent_Option = Capital Gains % (FIFO) {0} ColumnCapitalGains_Description = Capital Gains (current holdings) = Market Value - Purchase Value (FIFO)\n\nThe capital gains figure is always limited to the reporting period, e.g. the purchase value is either a security purchase within the reporting period or the valuation of the security at the beginning of the period.\n\nThe figure considers only holdings at the end of the reporting period.\n\nThe purchase value is calculated according to the FIFO principle (First In - First Out). ColumnCapitalGains_Option = Capital Gains (FIFO) {0} ColumnCategoryKey = Category Key ColumnChangeOnPrevious = \u0394 % ColumnChangeOnPreviousAmount = \u0394 amount ColumnChangeOnPrevious_MenuLabel = Change on Previous Day (%) ColumnChangeOnPrevious_MenuLabelAmount = Change on Previous Day (amount) ColumnColor = Color ColumnColumnLabel = Column Label ColumnConvertedAmount = Converted amount ColumnCount = Count ColumnCountByYear = Count by Year ColumnCreditNote = Credit Note ColumnCurrency = Currency ColumnCurrencyGains = Currency gains ColumnCurrencyProvider = Provider ColumnCurrentQuote = Quote (old) ColumnCurrentShares = Shares (old) ColumnDataSeries = Data Series ColumnDate = Date ColumnDateFirstHistoricalQuote = First historical (Date) ColumnDateFirstHistoricalQuote_MenuLabel = Date of first historical quote ColumnDateLatestExchangeRate = Date of latest exchange rate ColumnDateOfQuote = Date of quote ColumnDaysBetweenPostfix = Days Between ColumnDaysHigh = Day's High ColumnDaysLow = Day's Low ColumnDebitNote = Debit Note ColumnDeltaPctOfTotal = Delta % of Total ColumnDeltaPctOfTotal_MenuLabel = Delta % of Total ColumnDeltaPercent = Delta % ColumnDeltaPercentIndicator = Delta % Indicator ColumnDeltaPercentRelative = Delta % (relative) ColumnDeltaPercentRelative_Description = Difference between ACTUAL % and Allocation in percentage points ColumnDeltaShares = Rebalance (Shares) ColumnDeltaValue = Delta Value ColumnDesiredAllocation = Allocation ColumnDesiredAllocation_Description = The allocation is used for rebalancing and determines the desired percentage of assets per category. \n\nThe allocation within a category must always add up to 100%. ColumnDetails = Details ColumnDistanceFromMovingAverage = Distance to SMA ColumnDistanceFromMovingAverage_Description = Percentage distance of current price to selected SMA (= (current rate / SMAx) - 1) ColumnDistanceFromMovingAverage_Option = \u0394 to SMA{0} ColumnDividendMovingAverageTotalRateOfReturn = Div% (MA) ColumnDividendMovingAverageTotalRateOfReturn_Description = dividend rate of return (moving average) = sum of dividend payments / purchase value based on moving average\n\nAttention: if shares are sold after a dividend payment then dividend payment is not reduced. Therefore the rate of return might be over estimated. ColumnDividendMovingAverageTotalRateOfReturn_MenuLabel = Div% (moving average) ColumnDividendPayment = Dividend ColumnDividendPaymentCount = #Div ColumnDividendPaymentCount_MenuLabel = Number of dividend payments ColumnDividendPerShare = Dividend/share ColumnDividendPeriodicity = Periodicity ColumnDividendPeriodicity_Description = The periodicity of dividend payments is estimated based on the payments during the reporting period. ColumnDividendRateOfReturnPerYear = Div%/year ColumnDividendRateOfReturnPerYear_Description = Dividend rate of return per year = dividend payment / share price at time of dividend payment (average per year). ColumnDividendSum = \u2211Div ColumnDividendSum_MenuLabel = Sum of dividends ColumnDividendTotalRateOfReturn = Div% ColumnDividendTotalRateOfReturn_Description = dividend rate of return = sum of dividend payments / purchase value based on FIFO\n\nAttention: if shares are sold after a dividend payment then dividend payment is not reduced. Therefore the rate of return might be over estimated. ColumnEarnings = Earnings ColumnEarnings_Description = Dividends + Interest Payments ColumnEndDate = End date ColumnEntity = Entity ColumnEntryValue = Entry value ColumnErrorMessages = Error Messages ColumnExDate = Ex-Date ColumnExchangeRate = Exchange Rate ColumnExitValue = Exit value ColumnExpectedReturn = Expected return ColumnExpectedReturn_Description = You may provide here your estimation of an expected return for some or all asset class and/or securities. From this, an estimated overall portfolio expected return is calculated (as weighted average) and displayed in the first row.\n\nPotential sources for return estimations can be e.g. historical returns of asset classes, yield to maturity for bonds or bond ETFs, estimates published for the current year by investment firms, or your own estimates. ColumnExpectedReturn_MenuLabel = Expected return ColumnExpectedReturn_Tooltip_InUse = This row is currently used in the calculation of overall portfolio expected returns. ColumnExpectedReturn_Tooltip_NotInUse = This row is currently not used in the calculation of overall portfolio expected returns. Double-click to edit. ColumnExpectedReturn_Tooltip_TotalPortfolioReturn = Calculated expected return of overall portfolio ColumnFeedURLHistoric = URL (historic quotes) ColumnFeedURLLatest = URL (latest quotes) ColumnFees = Fees ColumnFees_Description = Paid fees for buy and sell transactions as well as inbound and outbound deliveries. ColumnFieldType = Field Type ColumnFix = Fix ColumnForeignCurrencies = Forex ColumnGrossDividend = Gross dividend ColumnGrossProfitLoss = Gross Profit / Loss ColumnGrossValue = Gross Value ColumnHeight = Height ColumnHoldingPeriod = Holding period (days) ColumnIRR = IRR ColumnIRRPerformance = IRR Performance ColumnIRRPerformanceOption = IRR {0} ColumnIRR_MenuLabel = Internal rate of return ColumnISIN = ISIN ColumnIndex = Index ColumnInterest = Interest ColumnInterval = Interval ColumnIssue = Issue ColumnLabel = Label ColumnLastDate = Last execution ColumnLastDividendPayment = last payment ColumnLastDividendPayment_MenuLabel = Date of last dividend payment ColumnLatest = Latest ColumnLatestDate = Latest (Date) ColumnLatestDate_MenuLabel = Date of latest quote ColumnLatestHistoricalDate = Last historical (Date) ColumnLatestHistoricalDate_MenuLabel = Date of last historical quote ColumnLatestPrice = Latest Price ColumnLatestTrade = Latest Trade ColumnLatest_MenuLabel = Latest Quote ColumnLevels = Levels ColumnMarketValue = Market Value ColumnMarketValueBaseCurrency = Market Value (Base Currency) ColumnMaxDrawdown = MDD ColumnMaxDrawdownDuration = Duration ColumnMessage = Message ColumnMetricActualNumberOfQuotes = Actual # quotes ColumnMetricCompleteness = Completeness of historic quotes ColumnMetricCompleteness_Description = Completeness is the percentage of available quotes against the expected number of quotes in the checked interval.\n\nThe interval starts with the first historical quote. The interval ends with the current date, unless the download is deactivated in which case it ends with the last quote. ColumnMetricExpectedNumberOfQuotes = Expected # quotes ColumnMetricNumberOfMissingQuotes = Missing # quotes ColumnMonth = Month ColumnName = Name ColumnNetValue = Net Transaction Value ColumnNextDate = Next execution ColumnNote = Note ColumnNumberOfTransactions = # transactions ColumnOffsetAccount = Offset Account ColumnOffsetPortfolio = Offset securities account ColumnPaymentDate = Payment Date ColumnPctOfTotal = ACTUAL % of Total ColumnPctOfTotal_MenuLabel = ACTUAL % of Total ColumnPeer = Deposit Account or Securities Account ColumnPerShare = per share ColumnPerShare_Description = For buy/sell/delivery transactions, this column contains the quote per share.\n\nFor dividend transactions, this column contains the gross dividend per share. ColumnPersonalDividendYield = Dividend yield ColumnPersonalDividendYieldMovingAverage = Dividend yield (moving average) ColumnPersonalDividendYieldMovingAverage_Description = Dividend yield (moving average) = dividends / purchase price using moving average method ColumnPersonalDividendYield_Description = Dividend yield = dividends / purchase price using FIFO method ColumnPortfolio = Securities Account ColumnPreviousClose = Previous Close ColumnPreviousPrice = Previous Price ColumnProfitLoss = Profit / Loss ColumnProfitLossBaseCurrency = Profit / Loss (Base Currency) ColumnPurchasePrice = Purchase Price ColumnPurchasePriceBaseCurrency = Purchase Price (Base Currency) ColumnPurchasePriceMovingAverage = Purchase Price (MA) ColumnPurchasePriceMovingAverage_Description = Purchase price of held shares calculated using the moving average method.\nThe price does not include the transaction fees and taxes paid. ColumnPurchasePriceMovingAverage_MenuLabel = Purchase Price (moving average) ColumnPurchasePrice_Description = Purchase price of held shares calculated using the FIFO method.\nThe price does not include the transaction fees and taxes paid. ColumnPurchaseValue = Purchase Value ColumnPurchaseValueBaseCurrency = Purchase Value (Base Currency) ColumnPurchaseValueMovingAverage = Purchase Value (MA) ColumnPurchaseValueMovingAverage_Description = Purchase value of held shares calculated using the moving average method.\nThe purchase value includes the transaction fees paid. ColumnPurchaseValueMovingAverage_MenuLabel = Purchase Value (moving average) ColumnPurchaseValue_Description = Purchase value of held shares calculated using the FIFO method.\nThe purchase value includes the transaction fees paid. ColumnQuote = Quote ColumnQuoteChange = Change in Price ColumnQuoteChange_Description = Percentage change of the quote within the given period\n\nNote: the percentage change is calculated exactly for the given period. If no quote exists for a particular day (for example a Sunday), then the last available quote is used (for example from Friday).\n\nThis is the reason why the percentage change on a weekend is always 0% for the period "\u0394 1 day". For this scenario, add the column "Change on Previous Day" which calculates the change of the latest existing quote in relation to its previous day. ColumnQuoteChange_Option = \u0394 {0} ColumnQuoteDistanceFromAthPercent = Distance from ATH ColumnQuoteDistanceFromAthPercent_Description = Percentage distance from the last All Time High (ATH) in the chosen period. ColumnQuoteDistanceFromAthPercent_Option = \u0394 ATH {0} % ColumnQuoteFeedHistoric = Quote Feed (historic) ColumnQuoteFeedLatest = Quote Feed (latest) ColumnQuote_DescriptionEndOfReportingPeriod = Quote at the end of the reporting period ColumnRealizedCapitalGains = Realized Gains ColumnRebalanceAmount = Rebalance (Amount) ColumnRebalancingIndicatorAbsoluteThreshold = Absolute threshold ColumnRebalancingIndicatorBarLength = Width of the indicator ColumnRebalancingIndicatorRelativeThreshold = Relative threshold ColumnReferenceAccount = Reference Account ColumnRetired = inactive ColumnReturn = Return ColumnSecurity = Security ColumnSecurityExchange = Exchange ColumnSecurityType = Type ColumnShareInPercent = Share in % ColumnShares = Shares ColumnSharesOwned = Shares ColumnSource = Source ColumnStartDate = Start date ColumnStatus = Status ColumnSubTotal = Sub-Total ColumnSum = Sum ColumnSumByYear = Sum by Year ColumnSymbol = Symbol ColumnTTWROR = TTWROR ColumnTTWROR_Option = TTWROR {0} ColumnTTWRORpa = TTWROR p.a. ColumnTTWRORpa_Option = TTWROR p.a. {0} ColumnTargetCurrency = Target Currency ColumnTargetCurrencyToolTip = Target Currency (only applicable for exchange rates, else select no currency) ColumnTargetValue = TARGET Value ColumnTaxes = Taxes ColumnTaxes_Description = Retained Taxes ColumnTaxonomy = Taxonomy ColumnTermCurrency = Term Currency ColumnThereofForeignCurrencyGains = thereof foreign currency gains ColumnTicker = Symbol ColumnToBePctOfTotal = TARGET % of Total ColumnToBePctOfTotal_MenuLabel = TARGET % of Total ColumnTotal = Total ColumnTransactionType = Type ColumnUnrealizedCapitalGains = Unrealized Gains ColumnUpdatedQuote = Quote (new) ColumnUpdatedShares = Shares (new) ColumnUsedForRebalancing = Used for rebalancing ColumnUsedForRebalancing_Description = Only the selected securities are used for rebalancing. The amount already invested in a security is always taken into account. ColumnValue = Value ColumnVolume = Volume ColumnVolumeOfSecurityDeposits = Volume of security deposits ColumnWKN = WKN ColumnWeight = Weight ColumnWeight_Description = The 'weight' indicates what percentage of a security is assigned to this category. ColumnYear = Year ConfigurationDelete = Delete view ConfigurationDeleteConfirm = Do you really want to delete view ''{0}''? ConfigurationDuplicate = Duplicate view ConfigurationErrorIllegalCharacters = Name contains illegal characters ConfigurationErrorMissingValue = Missing name ConfigurationNew = New view ConfigurationRename = Rename view ConfigurationStandard = Standard ConsumerPriceIndexMenuAdd = Add ConsumerPriceIndexMenuDelete = Delete DescriptionDataRelativeToReportingPeriod = Attention: this value is calculated in relation to the selected report interval (upper right corner). DesktopAPIBrowserActionNotSupported = Java does not support opening a page in the web browser on this operating system DesktopAPIErrorOpeningURL = Error opening browser with URL {0} DesktopAPIIllegalURL = Invalid URL: {0} DesktopAPIPlatformNotSupported = Java cannot open a web browser on this operating system DialogConsistencyChecksTitle = Results of the consistency checks DialogConssitencyChecksMessage = Resolve a reported issue by clicking into the last column and select one of the proposed fixes.\nRe-run the consistency check via the main menu. DialogTaxonomyNamePrompt = Give the taxonomy a name DialogTaxonomyNameTitle = Edit Taxonomy Name DialogTitlePickDate = Pick date DividendsDialogLabelPortfolioSharesHeld = {0} ({1} on {2}) DividendsDialogLabelSpecialDistribution = 0 (special distribution of funds) DividendsDialogTitleShares = Number of shares for which the dividend payment occurred DivvyDiaryConfirmUpload = Attention: When importing, your existing holdings will be overwritten on DivvyDiary DivvyDiaryMissingAPIKey = DivvyDiary API key is missing. Configure in preferences. DivvyDiaryMsgUploading = Uploading holdings to DivvyDiary DivvyDiaryUploadSuccessfulMsg = Completed upload to DivvyDiary successfully EODHistoricalDataMissingAPIKey = EOD Historical Data API key is missing.\n\nConfigure it in the preferences. EditWizardAttributesTitle = Additional Attributes EditWizardLatestQuoteFeedTitle = Latest Quote EditWizardMasterDataLinkNewCategory = New Category EditWizardMasterDataMsgClassificationMissing = Select a classification from the drop-down list. EditWizardMasterDataMsgDuplicateClassification = ''{0}'' is selected twice. EditWizardMasterDataMsgWeightEqualsZero = Assignment weight must be greater than 0%. EditWizardMasterDataMsgWeightNot100Percent = The weights of ''{0}'' add up {1}% which is more than 100%. EditWizardMasterDataTitle = Security Master Data EditWizardMasterDataUnlink = Unlink EditWizardMasterDataUnlink_ToolTip = The ISIN and WKN of investment vehicles connected to https://portfolio-report.net cannot be edited as it is automatically updated. By "unlinking" the investment vehicle, the automatic update is stopped and ISIN and WKN can be edited again. EditWizardOptionSameAsHistoricalQuoteFeed = (same as historical quotes) EditWizardQuoteFeedLabelFeedURL = Feed URL EditWizardQuoteFeedMsgErrorMissingURL = Feed URL missing for ''{0}'' EditWizardQuoteFeedMsgErrorOrNoData = Error / No Data EditWizardQuoteFeedMsgLoading = Loading... EditWizardQuoteFeedTitle = Historical Quotes ErrorKeyAlreadyUsed = Key is already used. EventWizardDescription = Add a custom event (date, free text) to a security.\nExamples: placed order/limit, chart signal, stock news, comments EventWizardLabelMessage = Event EventWizardTitle = Add event ExportWizardAccountTransactions = Account Transactions ExportWizardAllTransactionsAktienfreundeNet = aktienfreunde.net (all transactions and dividends) ExportWizardCurrencyConversionQuotes = Convert all quotes of securities to portfolio base currency ExportWizardDescription = Select items to export as CSV.\nFiles are stored with UTF-8 encoding. ExportWizardErrorExporting = Error exporting data ExportWizardHistoricalQuotes = Historical Quotes ExportWizardMergedSecurityPrices = All historical Quotes ExportWizardPortfolioTransactions = Securities Account Transactions ExportWizardSecurities = Securities ExportWizardSecurityMasterData = Master Data ExportWizardSelectDirectory = Please select a directory to store CSV files ExportWizardTitle = Export CSV ExportWizardUnsupportedExport = Unknown export type {0} and item {1} ExportWizardVINISApp = VINIS-App FilterNotRetired = Only active accounts/securities FilterOnlyClosedTrades = Only closed trades FilterOnlyLossMakingTrades = Only lossmaking trades FilterOnlyOpenTrades = Only open trades FilterOnlyProfitableTrades = Only profitable trades FilterValuationNonZero = Value not Zero ForceClearPersistedStateDialogTitle = Reset GUI ForceClearPersistedStateMessage = Reset GUI and restart to help troubleshooting? GroupLabelAttributes = Attributes GroupLabelDataQuality = Data quality GroupLabelDividends = Dividends GroupLabelPerformance = Performance GroupLabelQuoteFeed = Quote Provider HeatmapOrnamentAverage = Average HeatmapOrnamentGeometricMean = Geometric mean HeatmapOrnamentStandardDeviation = Standard Deviation HeatmapOrnamentSum = Sum HelpURL = https://translate.google.de/translate?hl=&sl=de&tl=en&u={0} HoldingsWarningAssetsWithNegativeValuation = Attention: positions with negative valuation are not included HoldingsWarningAssetsWithNegativeValuationDetails = The holdings chart is not correct because there are positions that have a negative valuation. The percentages shown are relative to the total value of the portfolio {0}. The percentages are not relative to the total value of the displayed positions.\n\n{1} ImportWizardPasteSourceDescription = Import historical quotes from the source code of a web page\n{0} ImportWizardPasteSourceExplanation = Onvista\n* On detail page, select "B\u00F6rsen" or "Kurs\u00FCbersicht"\n* Select "Kurshistorie - Einzelkursabfrage"\n* From the context menu, select "Show page source", copy and paste below\n\nFinanzen.net\n* Select "Historisch"\n* From the context menu, select "Show page source", copy and paste below ImportWizardPasteSourcePasteHere = Paste page source here... ImportWizardPasteSourceTitle = Paste HTML Page Code ImportWizardReviewDescription = Review the extracted historical quotes ImportWizardReviewTitle = Review extracted quotes IntroChangeLanguageInPreferences = Change language in preferences... IntroLabelActions = Actions IntroLabelHelp = Help IntroLabelRecentlyUsedFiles = Recently used files IntroLabelSamples = Samples IntroLabelTranslation = Language IntroLabelTranslationInfo = Portfolio Performance is available in English, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Czech and Portuguese.\n\nIf you find errors in the translation, feel free to take a screenshot and send the corrections to portfolio.performance.help@gmail.com. IntroNewAndNoteworthyText = Overview of the latest changes in Portfolio Performance IntroNewFile = Create a new file IntroNewFileText = Create a new portfolio file. IntroOpenDaxSample = Open the DAX sample file IntroOpenDaxSampleText = A sample file based on DAX investment\nplus industry classification. IntroOpenFAQ = FAQ IntroOpenFAQText = Frequently asked questions... and hopefully some answers. IntroOpenFile = Open a file IntroOpenFileText = Open a portfolio XML file. IntroOpenForum = Forum IntroOpenForumText = Forum for help, suggestions and feedback. IntroOpenHowtos = How-Tos IntroOpenHowtosText = Short descriptions of how to accomplish specific tasks\nsuch as rebalancing a portfolio. IntroOpenSample = Open the Kommer sample file IntroOpenSampleText = A sample file based on Gerd Kommer's\n(German) book "Die Buy-and-Hold Bibel". InvestmentPlanAutoCreationJob = Create investment plan transactions InvestmentPlanInfoNoTransactionsGenerated = No transactions generated.\nThe next transaction will be created on {0}. InvestmentPlanIntervalLabel = {0,choice,1#monthly|1{0}\n\nPlease consult your lawyer if you are unsure whether the installation of these\npolicy files is allowed in your country.\n\nThe JAR files from the ZIP download must be copied to this directory:\n{1} JurisdictionFilesDownloadMessage = Your current Java installation does not support AES256. JurisdictionFilesDownloadTitle = AES 256 not supported LabelAbout = About Portfolio Performance LabelAbsoluteChange = Absolute Change LabelAbsoluteDelta = Delta (since first transaction) LabelAbsoluteInvestedCapital = Invested capital (since first transaction) LabelAccountTransfer = Transfer between accounts LabelAccounts = Deposit Accounts LabelAccumulatedDividends = Dividends (accumulated) LabelAccumulatedEarnings = Earnings (accumulated) LabelAccumulatedInterest = Interest (accumulated) LabelAccumulatedInterestCharge = Interest charge (accumulated) LabelAccumulatedTaxes = Taxes (accumulated) LabelAdhocFilter = Adhoc Filter LabelAfterTaxAndFees = after taxes and fees LabelAggregation = Aggregation LabelAggregationDaily = daily LabelAllAttributes = All LabelAllCurrencies = All Currencies LabelAllFiles = All Files LabelAllSecurities = All Securities LabelAllTrades = All trades LabelAllTransactions = All transactions LabelAssetChart = Statement of Assets - Chart LabelAvailableAttributes = Add new attribute LabelAverageHoldingPeriod = Average holding period LabelBackupModeAbsoluteDirectory = Selected directory LabelBackupModeNextToFile = Next to data file LabelBackupModeRelativeDirectory = Directory next to data file LabelBaseDataSeries = Base data series LabelBeforeTaxAndFees = before taxes and fees LabelBenchmarks = Benchmarks LabelBiggerSize = Bigger LabelCapitalGains = Capital Gains LabelCategoryOtherMovements = Other Movements LabelChartDetailChartDevelopment = Market trend LabelChartDetailChartDevelopmentClosing = Market trend LabelChartDetailChartDevelopmentClosingFIFO = Market trend vs. Purchase Value LabelChartDetailChartScaling = Scaling LabelChartDetailChartScalingLinear = Linear LabelChartDetailChartScalingLog = Logarithmic LabelChartDetailIndicator = Indicator LabelChartDetailIndicatorBollingerBands = Bollinger Bands LabelChartDetailIndicatorBollingerBandsLower = Lower Bollinger Bands LabelChartDetailIndicatorBollingerBandsUpper = Upper Bollinger Bands LabelChartDetailMarker = Marking LabelChartDetailMarkerDividends = Dividends LabelChartDetailMarkerEvents = Events LabelChartDetailMarkerHigh = High LabelChartDetailMarkerHighLow = High / Low LabelChartDetailMarkerInvestments = Investments LabelChartDetailMarkerLow = Low LabelChartDetailMarkerPurchaseFIFO = Purchase Value (FIFO) LabelChartDetailMarkerPurchaseFIFOHoldingPeriod = Purchase Value (FIFO) ({0}. holding period) LabelChartDetailMarkerPurchaseMovingAverage = Purchase Value (moving average) LabelChartDetailMarkerPurchaseMovingAverageHoldingPeriod = Purchase Value (moving average) ({0}. holding period) LabelChartDetailMovingAverage = Average LabelChartDetailMovingAverageEMA = Exponential Moving Average (EMA) LabelChartDetailMovingAverageSMA = Simple Moving Average (SMA) LabelChartDetailMovingAverage_100days = 100 days LabelChartDetailMovingAverage_200days = 200 days LabelChartDetailMovingAverage_20days = 20 days LabelChartDetailMovingAverage_30days = 30 days LabelChartDetailMovingAverage_38days = 38 days LabelChartDetailMovingAverage_50days = 50 days LabelChartDetailMovingAverage_5days = 5 days LabelChartDetailMovingAverage_90days = 90 days LabelChartDetailSettings = Settings LabelChartDetailSettingsShowDataLabel = Show data labels LabelChartDetailSettingsShowLimits = Show limits LabelChartDetailSettingsShowMarkerLines = Show with marker lines LabelChartDetailSettingsShowMissingTradingDays = Show missing trading days LabelChartShowLabels = Show labels LabelChartType = Chart type LabelCleanHTML = Clean HTML LabelClientClearCustomItems = Remove entries LabelClientFilter = Filter LabelClientFilterDialogMessage = Choose accounts and portfolios LabelClientFilterDialogTitle = Accounts and portfolios LabelClientFilterEditTooltip = Filter: double-click to edit the name, right-click for further actions\n(delete filter or add elements to filter)\n\nAccount/Deposit: right-click for further actions (delete element). LabelClientFilterManage = Manage... LabelClientFilterNew = New... LabelClientFilterNoCustomFilterExisting = No existing filter.\nCreate a new filter by choosing "New..." from the menu. LabelClose = Close LabelCoinGeckoCoinId = CoinGecko Coin ID LabelCoinGeckoCoinIdHint = This field can be used to specify the internal CoinGecko Coin ID for cryptocurrencies having a non-unique ticker symbol. The ID can be retrieved via https://www.coingecko.com.\n\nIf no ID is given the ticker symbol will be used for data access. LabelCollapse = Collapse LabelCollapseAll = Collapse all LabelColorSchema = Color scheme LabelColumns = Columns LabelColumnsInReverseOrder = Reverse column order LabelCommon = Common LabelConsumerPriceIndex = Consumer Price Index LabelConvertBuySellIntoDeliveryTransactions = Convert buy/sell transactions into inbound/outbound deliveries LabelCopyToClipboard = Copy to Clipboard LabelCountry = Country LabelCurrencies = Currencies LabelCurrencyConverter = Currency Converter LabelCurrentDate = Current Date LabelCurrentMonth = Current Month LabelCurrentQuarter = Current Quarter LabelCurrentWeek = Current Week LabelDashboard = Dashboard LabelDataSeries = Data series LabelDateExclusive = (excl.) LabelDateXToY = {0} to {1} LabelDefaultFontSize = Default LabelDefaultReferenceAccountName = Reference account LabelDelta = Delta (for reporting period) LabelDescription = Description LabelDividendPerShare = dividend payment per shares LabelDividends = Dividends LabelDoImport = Import LabelDoNotImport = Do not import LabelDuplicateSecurity = Duplicate security LabelEarnings = Earnings LabelError = Error LabelErrorNoHoldings = No positions available for the pie chart LabelErrorNoTaxonomySelected = No taxonomy selected LabelEurostatRegion = Region LabelExcessReturnBaselineDataSeries = Excess return (Baseline) LabelExcessReturnOperator = Calculation LabelExcessReturnOperatorAlpha = Alpha LabelExcessReturnOperatorRelative = Relative LabelExchange = Exchange LabelExchangeRate = Exchange Rate LabelExchangeRates = Exchange Rates LabelExpand = Expand LabelExpandAll = Expand all LabelExpenses = Expenses LabelExport = Export ''{0}'' LabelFees = Fees LabelFeesAccumulated = Fees (accumulated) LabelFirstDayOfWeek = First day of week LabelFontSize = Font size LabelFormatJSON = JSON format LabelFullClassification = Full Classification LabelGreenWhiteRed = Green - White - Red LabelGreenYellowRed = Green - Yellow - Red LabelGross = Gross LabelGrossNetCalculation = Gross / Net LabelHeading = Heading LabelHeatmap = Monthly returns in a heat map LabelHeatmapEarnings = Monthly earnings LabelHeatmapInvestments = Monthly investments LabelHeatmapInvestmentsDirect = Investments LabelHeatmapInvestmentsNoSellings = Investments minus revenue from closed trades LabelHeatmapOrnament = Ornament LabelHide = Hide LabelHistoricalReturnsAndVolatiltity = Historical Returns and Volatility LabelIRR = Internal Rate of Return (IRR) LabelIncludeSecuritiesInPieChart = Include investment vehicles LabelIncludeUnassignedCategoryInCharts = Include 'Without Classification' LabelInfo = Info LabelInputValidationFailed = Input Error LabelInstallationDetails = Installation Details LabelInterest = Interest LabelInterestCharge = Interest charge LabelInvestedCapital = Invested Capital (for reporting period) LabelInvestmentPlans = Investment Plans LabelJSONDateFormat = Date Format LabelJSONDateFormatHint = Date format like dd.MM.yyyy or MM/dd/yyyy.\n\nLeave empty for ISO date format or if the date is\nrepresented by the number of milliseconds, seconds\nor days since 1970-01-01 (Unix Epoch Time). LabelJSONFactor = Factor (for quotes) LabelJSONFactorHint = A factor all quotes (close, high, low) get multiplied with. LabelJSONPathHint = Path must yield an array with either dates or closing price.\nPP is using the library https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath.\n\nFor example, given this JSON:\n\n{\n "isin": "IE00B3WJKG14",\n "data": [\n { "close": 11.756, "date": "2020-02-14" },\n { "close": 11.75, "date": "2020-02-13" }]\n}\n\nPath to date: $.data[*].date\nPath to close: $.data[*].close LabelJSONPathToClose = Path to Close LabelJSONPathToDate = Path to Date LabelJSONPathToHigh = Path to Day's High LabelJSONPathToLow = Path to Day's Low LabelJSONPathToVolume = Path to Volume LabelKeyIndicators = Key Indicators LabelLanguage = Language LabelLanguageAutomatic = Automatic LabelLayout = Layout LabelLayoutFull = Full LabelLayoutReduced = Reduced LabelLayoutRelevant = Relevant LabelLevelNameNumber = {0} (Level {1}) LabelLevelNumber = Level {0} LabelLinkToPortfolioReportNet = Link to Portfolio Report LabelLinkedToPortfolioReport = Linked to Portfolio Report LabelMaxDrawdown = Maximum Drawdown LabelMaxDrawdownDuration = Max Drawdown Duration LabelMetric = Metric LabelMetricCheckInterval = Test period: {0} up to and including {1} LabelMetricDays = Days LabelMetricDaysFormatter = {0,number,0} days LabelMetricYears = Years LabelMetricYearsFormatter = {0,number,0.#} years LabelMissingQuotes = Missing Prices: LabelMissingQuotes_Decsription = On these dates, there should be a security price according to the trade calendar but the price is missing. LabelNamePlusCopy = {0} (copy) LabelNet = Net LabelNewClassification = New Classification LabelNewFieldByType = New attribute with field type LabelNewTaxonomy = New Taxonomy LabelNewTransaction = New transaction LabelNewTransactionForSecurity = New transaction for {0} LabelNo = No LabelNoName = No Name LabelNormalSize = Normal LabelNotAvailable = n/a LabelNumberDataSeries = {0} data series LabelOneOfX = (1 of {0}) LabelOpenTrade = (open) LabelOrderByTaxonomy = Order by Classification LabelPNTransfers = Performance-neutral transfers LabelPassword = Password LabelPasswordRepeat = Repeat LabelPayments = Payments LabelPaymentsByMonthAndVehicle = Month / Instrument LabelPaymentsByQuarterAndVehicle = Quarter / Instrument LabelPaymentsByYearAndVehicle = Year / Instrument LabelPaymentsConsolidateRetired = \u2211 Retired securities LabelPaymentsPerMonth = Month LabelPaymentsPerMonthAccumulated = Month (accumulated) LabelPaymentsPerQuarter = Quarter LabelPaymentsPerYear = Year LabelPaymentsSelectStartYear = Payments starting with year: LabelPaymentsTradeProfitLoss = Closed trades LabelPaymentsUseConsolidateRetired = Consolidation of inactive securities LabelPerformanceCalculation = Performance Calculation LabelPerformanceChart = Performance Chart LabelPerformanceIRR = Return (IRR) LabelPerformanceMetric = Return metric LabelPerformanceTTWROR = Return (TTWROR) LabelPortfolioFeeRate = Portfolio Fee Rate LabelPortfolioPerformance = Portfolio Performance LabelPortfolioPerformanceFile = Portfolio Performance File LabelPortfolioRateNotAvailable = No meaningful ratio can be calculated for the given period. This may be because there was no positive performance or because only refunds were posted. LabelPortfolioTaxRate = Portfolio Tax Rate LabelPortfolioTimeMachine = Portfolio Time Machine LabelPortfolios = Securities Accounts LabelPreTax = Pre tax LabelPreviousTradingDay = Previous trading day LabelQuandlCode = Quandl Code LabelQuandlColumnNameQuote = Column name of quote LabelQuandlColumnNameQuoteHint = Name of the column that contains the stock quote.\nIf no name is provided, PP will use the column "Close" or "Net Asset Value". LabelQuote = Quote LabelQuoteFeed = Quote Feed LabelQuoteFeedProvider = Provider LabelRatio = Ratio LabelRefresh = Check again LabelRemoveDividends = Generate an additional withdrawal for dividend transactions LabelRemoveLogo = Remove logo LabelReportInterval = Report Interval LabelReportingAddPeriod = New... LabelReportingDialogDay = Day LabelReportingDialogDays = days LabelReportingDialogFrom = From LabelReportingDialogGroupCurrent = Current LabelReportingDialogGroupPrevious = Previous LabelReportingDialogHint = The reporting period spans from the end of the first day\nto the end of the last day. LabelReportingDialogLast = Last LabelReportingDialogMonth = Month LabelReportingDialogMonths = months LabelReportingDialogQuarter = Quarter LabelReportingDialogSince = Since LabelReportingDialogTradingDay = Trading day LabelReportingDialogTradingDays = trading days LabelReportingDialogUntil = until LabelReportingDialogWeek = Week LabelReportingDialogYear = Year LabelReportingDialogYearYTD = Year (YTD) LabelReportingDialogYears = years LabelReportingPeriod = Reporting period LabelReportingPeriodEditTooltip = Right-click to delete;\nDrag & drop to reorder items LabelRiskIndicators = Risk Indicators LabelRiskMetric = Risk metric LabelSave = Save LabelSaveAndNew = Save && New LabelSaveInFile = Save in file LabelSaving = Saving LabelSearch = Search LabelSecurities = Securities LabelSecurityCalendar = Calendar LabelSecurityCalendarToolTip = Calendar of Stock Exchange to determine missing trading days LabelSecurityLatestPrice = Security: Latest Price LabelSecurityPerformance = Security Performance LabelSecurityTransfer = Security transfer LabelSelectYear = Other year... LabelSelectYearSince = Since LabelSelectedTransactions = Selected transactions LabelSemiVolatility = Semivariance LabelSettings = Settings LabelShowOnlyOneYear = Display only one year LabelShowRawResponse = Show server response LabelSmallerSize = Smaller LabelStartTyping = Start typing... LabelStatementOfAssets = Statement of Assets LabelStatementOfAssetsHistory = Statement of Assets - History LabelStatementOfAssetsHoldings = Statement of Assets - Holdings LabelSuffix_HICP = (HICP) LabelSuffix_PreTax = (before taxes) LabelTTWROR = True Time-Weighted Rate of Return (cumulative) LabelTTWROROneDay = Last Day LabelTTWROR_Annualized = True Time-Weighted Rate of Return (annualized) LabelTaxonomies = Taxonomies LabelTaxonomyTemplates = Templates LabelTheme = Theme LabelToday = Today LabelToolTipDividendDetails = {0} Shares {1} {2} LabelToolTipDividendDetailsGross = Gross {0} LabelToolTipInvestmentDetails = {0} shares at {1} LabelToolTipTransactionSummary = {0} on {1} \u2211 {2} LabelTotalSum = Total LabelTotalValuePercent = {0} tv LabelTotalsAtTheBottom = Totals line below LabelTotalsAtTheTop = Totals line above LabelTrades = Trades LabelTradesBasicStatistics = Number of trades (with profit/with loss) LabelTradesProfitLoss = Trades Profit/Loss LabelTradesTurnoverRate = Portfolio Turnover Rate LabelTradingActivityChart = Trading activity LabelTransactions = Transactions LabelTransfer = Transfer LabelTransferTo = transfer to LabelTransferals = Transferals LabelUnexpectedQuotes = Unexpected Quotes: LabelUnexpectedQuotes_Description = On these dates, there should not be a security price according to the configured trade calendar, but a security price was found.\n\nThis could indicate that a wrong trade calendar is used. LabelUnhide = Unhide LabelUnknownVersion = Unknown LabelUnnamedFile = unnamed LabelUnnamedXml = unnamed.xml LabelUpdatesAvailable = Updates Available LabelUseGrossValue = Use gross value LabelUsingDashboardDefaultReportingPeriod = Dashboard reporting period LabelValueInboundDelivery = Value of Inbound Delivery LabelValueOutboundDelivery = Value of Outbound Delivery LabelVerticalSpacer = Vertical Spacer LabelViewDonutChart = Donut chart LabelViewPieChart = Pie chart LabelViewReBalancing = Rebalancing LabelViewStackedChart = Stacked chart LabelViewTaxonomyDefinition = Definition of taxonomy LabelViewTreeMap = Tree Map LabelVolatility = Volatility LabelWithoutClassification = Without Classification LabelXDays = {0} days LabelYTD = Current year (YTD) LabelYear = Year LabelYearlyHeatmap = Yearly returns in a heat map LabelYes = Yes MarkSecurityPageDescription = The selected items will be marked as stock indexes. Indexes have no currency. MarkSecurityPageTitle = Mark securities as stock indexes MenuActivateDiscreetMode = Activate discreet mode MenuAddAll = Add all MenuAddNewDashboardColumnLeft = New column on the left MenuAddNewDashboardColumnRight = New column on the right MenuApplyToAllWidgets = Apply to all MenuChangeHeight = Change height... MenuChangeUrl = Change URL... MenuChartAdjustRange = Adjust Range MenuChartShowYAxis = Show Y-Axis MenuChartXScrollDown = Scroll left MenuChartXScrollUp = Scroll right MenuChartXZoomIn = Zoom out X axis MenuChartXZoomOut = Zoom in X axis MenuChartYScrollDown = Scroll down MenuChartYScrollUp = Scroll up MenuChartYZoomIn = Zoom in MenuChartYZoomOut = Zoom out MenuChooseClientFilter = Filter data by portfolio and reference account MenuConfigureChart = Configure chart MenuConfigureCurrentDashboard = Configure dashboard MenuConfigureDashboards = Configure dashboards MenuConfigureRebalancingIndicator = Configure {0}/{1} Rule MenuConfigureView = Configure view MenuConfirmDeleteAllTransactions = Delete all transactions of securities {0}? MenuConvertToBuy = Convert to buy transaction MenuConvertToBuySell = Convert to buy/sell transaction MenuConvertToDelivery = Convert to delivery MenuConvertToDepositRemoval = Convert to deposit/removal MenuConvertToInboundDelivery = Convert to inbound delivery MenuConvertToOutboundDelivery = Convert to outbound delivery MenuConvertToSell = Convert to sell transaction MenuCreateAccountOrTransaction = Create new account or transaction MenuCreateColumnConfig = New... MenuCreatePortfolioOrTransaction = Create new portfolio or transaction MenuDashboardColumnWidth = Column width MenuDashboardColumnWidthDecrease = Decrease MenuDashboardColumnWidthIncrease = Increase MenuDeactivateDiscreetMode = Deactivate discreet mode MenuDeleteAllTransactions = Delete all transactions MenuDeleteDashboardColumn = Delete column MenuDeleteWidget = Delete MenuDuplicateDashboardColumn = Duplicate column MenuEditInvestmentPlan = Edit investment plan... MenuEditTransaction = Edit transaction... MenuExportChartData = Export chart data MenuExportData = Export data as CSV MenuExportDiagram = Save diagram MenuFilterTrades = Filter trades MenuHideColumn = Hide column MenuHideInformationPane = Hide information pane MenuHideSidebar = Hide sidebar MenuLabelSetAsStartPage = Set as start page MenuMoveDown = Move down MenuMoveUp = Move up MenuNewDashboard = New dashboard MenuNewDashboardColumn = New column MenuNewReportingPeriod = New... MenuNewWidget = New Widget MenuOpenSecurityOnSite = Open in browser MenuPickOtherDate = Other date... MenuRemoveAll = Remove all MenuRenameColumn = Rename column MenuRenameDashboard = Rename dashboard MenuRenameLabel = Edit label... MenuReportingPeriodDelete = Delete MenuReportingPeriodDeleteConfirm = Really delete filter ''{0}''? MenuReportingPeriodInsert = Add elements MenuReportingPeriodManage = Manage... MenuResetChartSeries = Reset data series MenuResetColumnName = Reset column name MenuResetColumns = Reset columns MenuSaveChart = Save chart configuration MenuSaveColumns = Save column configuration MenuSelectBenchmarkDataSeries = Select benchmark MenuSelectDataSeries = Select data series MenuSetCurrentViewAsInitialView = Always start with ''{0}'' in this part MenuSettingsNew = New... MenuShow = Show MenuShowHideColumns = Show or hide columns MenuShowInformationPane = Show information pane MenuShowSidebar = Show sidebar MenuSwitchCurrencies = Switch currencies MenuTaxonomyAssignmentRemove = Remove MenuTaxonomyClassificationCreate = Add new classification MenuTaxonomyClassificationDelete = Delete MenuTaxonomyColorCascadeToChildren = Cascade color to children MenuTaxonomyColorEdit = Edit... MenuTaxonomyColorRandomPalette = Random palette to children MenuTaxonomyCopy = Copy taxonomy MenuTaxonomyCreate = New... MenuTaxonomyDelete = Delete taxonomy MenuTaxonomyDeleteConfirm = Do you really want to delete taxonomy ''{0}''? MenuTaxonomyMakeAssignment = Assign MenuTaxonomyRename = Rename taxonomy MenuTaxonomySortByName = Name MenuTaxonomySortByTypName = Type, Name MenuTaxonomySortTreeBy = Sort by... MenuTaxonomyWeightFix = Fix weights MenuTransactionDelete = Delete MenuUseDashboardDefaultReportingPeriod = Use reporting period of dashboard MessageDialogProviderAnswerKeep = Keep MessageDialogProviderAnswerReplace = Delete MessageDialogProviderChanged = Reload historical quotes? MessageDialogProviderChangedText = The quote provider and/or the currency has changed.\n\nWhat do you want to do with the existing historical quotes? MsgAccountFromMissing = Source account is missing MsgAccountMustBeDifferent = Source and target accounts must differ MsgAccountToMissing = Target account is missing MsgConfirmInstall = A new version ''{0}'' is available. Do you want to update? MsgCreateTransactionsAutomaticallyUponOpening = Create transactions automatically when opening the file MsgDateIsInTheFuture = Attention: the date of this transaction is in the future. MsgDeletionNotPossible = Deletion not possible MsgDeletionNotPossibleDetail = Securities with associated transactions cannot be deleted.\nThe securities are needed to calculate the historical performance.\n\nSecurities with transactions: {0}. MsgDialogInputRequired = Input required for ''{0}'' MsgDialogNotAValidCurrency = Invalid Currency: {0} MsgDialogNotAValidISIN = Invalid ISIN: {0} MsgEmbeddedBrowserError = Unable to create embedded browser to display charts\n\n* Are you running the latest version of your browser?\n* On Linux one has to install the packet 'libwebkitgtk-3.0-0'\n\nThe error message\n "No more handles [Unknown Mozilla path (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)]"\nindicates that libwebkitgtk has to be installed. On Ubuntu 18.04, run\n sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-3.0-0\n\n\nDetails:\n{0} MsgErrorConvertToBuySellCurrencyMismatch = Transaction with currency {0} cannot be booked on account ''{2}'' with the currency {1}. MsgErrorConvertedAmount = Calculation error: Converted amount cannot result from amount and exchange rate MsgErrorDividendsYearBetween1900AndNow = Year must be between 1900 and {0}. MsgErrorExchangeMissing = Exchange is missing for ''{0}'' MsgErrorMinimumHeightRequired = Minimum height of {0} required. One still needs to be able to click on it. MsgErrorMissingQuandlCode = Missing or incomplete Quandl code MsgErrorNoInvestmentVehicleFoundAtURL = No investment vehicle found at {0} MsgErrorNotAValidDate = Not a valid date: ''{0}'' MsgErrorOpeningFile = Unable to open file: {0} MsgErrorSavingIniFile = Error saving ini file: {0} MsgErrorTradeCollectionWithErrors = Error while collecting trades MsgErrorUpdating = Error on updating MsgHintNoAttributesConfigured = No attributes of type ''{0}'' configured.\nConfigure now MsgIncorrectConvertedSubTotal = Converted sub-total is incorrect MsgIncorrectSubTotal = Sub-total is incorrect MsgIncorrectTotal = Total sum is incorrect\nExpected value: {0} MsgInfoChangingCurrencyNotPossible = This security already has transactions recorded.\nIt is not possible to change the currency anymore. MsgInfoRetiredSecurities = If a security is marked as "inactive", then\n* the security will not show up anymore in dropdowns to create new transactions, e.g., buy and sell dialogs;\n* the historical prices are not updated automatically - only if triggered from the Online menu (Strg-U K) MsgInvalidImage = Invalid image file MsgInvalidImageDetail = Provided file ''{0}'' does not appear to be an image or could not be read. MsgJavaVersionTooOldForLetsEncrypt = Your Java runtime is too old. The SSL certificate of the update server will not be accepted.\nYou are using {0}. At least 1.8.0_101 is needed. MsgLoadingFile = Loading {0} MsgMissingAccount = Account is missing MsgMissingPortfolio = Securities account is missing MsgMissingReferenceAccount = Reference account of the securities account is missing MsgMissingSecurity = Security is missing MsgNoFileOpen = No File MsgNoFileOpenText = Open or create a Portfolio Performance file first. MsgNoIssuesFound = No issues found. MsgNoProfileFound = No installation profile found. Running from IDE? MsgNoUpdatesAvailable = No updates available. MsgOpenFile = Open {0} MsgPasswordMinCharacters = Password must have a minimum length of 6 characters. MsgPasswordNotIdentical = Given passwords are not identical. MsgPortfolioFromMissing = Source securities account is missing MsgPortfolioMustBeDifferent = Source and target securities account must differ MsgPortfolioToMissing = Target securities account is missing MsgPreviousStockSplit = Please note: there is stock split of {0} recorded on {1} for this security. You have to manually convert shares for this transaction. MsgRestartRequired = The update completed successfully.\n\nRestart the application for the changes to take effect. MsgSecurityHasNoQuotes = The selected security has no prices. The investment plan cannot create realistic share counts. MsgThemeRestartRequired = A restart is required for the theme to take full effect. MsgUpdateNewInVersionX = New in Version {0} MsgUpdateNoWritePermissions = No permissions to install the update.\n\nStart Portfolio Performance via the context menu "Start as administrator ...".\n\nIf that doesn't work, reload Portflio Performance and unpack. MsgUpdateRequiresLatestJavaVersion = This version requires Java {0}.\n\nIf you run Windows or macOS, consider downloading Portfolio Performance that embeds the right Java runtime directly in the download.\n\nOn Linux, install Java Runtime Environment {0} with your favorite package manager.\n\nFor example:\n\nsudo apt install openjdk-{0}-jre\nsudo update-alternatives --config java MsgUpdateRunning32BitOn64BitOS = You seem to be running a 32bit PP on a 64bit Operating System. Instead of updating, download the 64bit version. MsgUpdatingDashboardData = Calculating dashboard... MsgUpdatingExchangeRates = Updating exchanges rates for {0} NewFileWizardAccountDescription = Additional cash accounts can be used for other funds. NewFileWizardAccountTitle = Create additional cash accounts NewFileWizardAddAll = Add all NewFileWizardButtonAdd = Add NewFileWizardPortfolioDescription = Buy and sell transactions of instruments are managed\nvia securities and deposit accounts. NewFileWizardPortfolioTitle = Create securities and reference accounts NewFileWizardSecurityDescription = Securities are used for buy and sell transactions.\nCustom securities can be added later as well. NewFileWizardSecurityTitle = Add instruments NewFileWizardTaxonomyDescription = Taxonomies are used for portfolio analysis along various dimensions\nusing pie charts, tree map, and stacked-line charts. NewFileWizardTaxonomyTitle = Add Taxonomies OptionDateIsInTheFuture = Date is in the future OptionDateIsInThePast = Date is in the past PDFImportDebugTextExtraction = Debug: Extract text from PDF PDFImportErrorParsingDocument = Error reading or converting PDF document: {0} (Check error log for details) PDFImportFilterName = PDF document (*.pdf;*.zip) PDFImportWizardAssistant = PDF import wizard PDFImportWizardDescription = The transactions below will be added, if not crossed out.\nUse the context menu to toggle transactions. PDFImportWizardErroneousFiles = These files could not be imported. PDFImportWizardExtractor = Bank / Broker PDFImportWizardMsgExtracting = Extracting transactions from PDF files... PDFImportWizardTitle = Import transactions from PDF files PageDescriptionSelectSecurity = Select the security. The extracted prices will be added to this security. PageTitleSelectSecurity = Select security PerformanceChartLabelCPI = Consumer Price Index PerformanceChartLabelEntirePortfolio = Entire portfolio PerformanceHeatmapToolTip = Monthly rate of return displayed as heatmap\n\nTo calculate the monthly rate of return, the true-time weighted rate of return (TTWROR) is used.\n\nThe rate of return is always calculated for the full month - even if the reporting interval ends or starts in the middle of a month. PerformanceRelevantTransactionsFooter = Total relevant transactions ({0}) PerformanceRelevantTransactionsHeader = Relevant transactions since {0} PerformanceTabAssetsAtEnd = Assets at End PerformanceTabAssetsAtStart = Assets at Start PerformanceTabCalculation = Calculation PerformanceTabEarnings = Earnings PerformanceTabEarningsByAccount = Earnings by Account PerformanceTabFees = Fees PerformanceTabOverview = Overview PerformanceTabTaxes = Taxes PortfolioFilterRetiredPortfolios = Hide inactive securities accounts PortfolioMenuActivate = Activate securities account PortfolioMenuAdd = Add securities account PortfolioMenuDeactivate = Deactivate securities account PortfolioMenuDelete = Delete securities account PortfolioMenuDeleteConfirm = Do you really want to delete securities account ''{0}''? PortfolioReportMissingAPIKey = Portfolio Report API key is missing.\n\nConfigure it in the preferences. PortfolioReportMissingAPIURL = Portfolio Report API URL is missing.\n\nConfigure it in the preferences. PrefAlphaVantageAPIKey = Alpha Vantage API Key PrefAlphaVantageCallFrequencyLimit = Call Frequency Limit PrefAutoSaveFrequency = Time between auto-saving backup file in minutes (0 to disable auto save) PrefBackupDirectory = Backup directory PrefBackupLocation = Backup location PrefCheckOnStartup = &Check for updates on start PrefCreateBackupBeforeSaving = Automatically create a backup copy before saving a file (*.backup.xml) PrefDescriptionAlphaVantage = Alpha Vantage Inc. is a provider of free APIs for realtime and historical data on stocks, physical currencies, and digital/crypto currencies.\n\nTo use Alpha Vantage, you need an API key. The free API key allows up to 5 requests per minute. Alpha Vantage offers various premium API keys for purchase that allow up to 600 requests per minute.\n\nPlease follow this link to sign up: PrefDescriptionDivvyDiary = Upload your investments automatically from Portfolio Performance to your personal account at DivvyDiary. This allows you to easily monitor your future dividend payments from your smartphone.\n\nTo do this, just follow the steps below:\n1. Create an account with DivvyDiary\n2. Generate an API key under "Settings"\n3. Store the API key in the Portfolio Performance settings PrefDescriptionEODHistoricalData = EOD Historical Data provides fundamental data, real-time and daily historical stock prices for stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Options all around the world. PrefDescriptionFinnhub = Institutional-grade data with a generous free plan.\n\nLimits:\n* Personal use only\n* 60 free API calls/minute\n\nPlease follow this link to sign up: PrefDescriptionPortfolioReport = Synchronization of data with the Portfolio Report Server. PrefDescriptionProxy = The proxy server is used to download quotes, exchange rates, and consumer price indices as well as check for online updates.\n\nIf the field "Proxy Host" is empty, no proxy server is used.\n\nIn case authentication is needed, please check the FAQ. PrefDescriptionQuandl = Quandl is a platform for financial, economic, and alternative data that serves investment professionals.\n\nTo use Quandl, you need an API key. Authenticated users of free data feeds have a concurrency limit of one; that is, they can make one call at a time and have an additional call in the queue.\n\nPlease follow this link to sign up: PrefDivvyDiaryAPIKey = DivvyDiary API Key PrefEODHistoricalDataAPIKey = EOD Historical Data API Token PrefFinnhubAPIKey = Finnhub API Key PrefLabelAlwaysDisplayCurrencyCode = Always display currency code for monetary values PrefLabelAutoSaveFrequency = Autosave copy every X minutes PrefLabelDisplayPA = Add \u201Cp.a.\u201D to annualized return rates PrefLabelEnableExperimentalFeatures = Enable experimental features PrefLabelNote = Note PrefLabelProxyHost = Proxy Host PrefLabelProxyPort = Proxy Port PrefLabelQuoteDigits = Display precision (digits) for calculated quotes PrefLabelSharesDigits = Display precision (digits) for number of shares PrefLabelUseIndirectQuotation = Use indirect quotation for exchange rates PrefLabelUseSWTChartLibrary = SWTChart library for pie charts PrefMsgBackup = Settings for the backup of the data files PrefMsgCalendar = The setting of the calendar will affect the calculations, display of price gaps and execution of savings plans. PrefMsgConfigureUpdates = Configure where to check for updates. PrefMsgLanguageConfig = To change the language, a restart is required. PrefNoteIndirectQuotation = Quotes using a country's home currency as the price currency\n(for example, EUR 0.9009 = USD 1.00 in the Eurozone) are known\nas direct quotation or price quotation (from that country's\nperspective) and are used by most countries.\n\nQuotes using a country's home currency as the unit currency\n(for example, USD 1.11 = EUR 1.00 in the Eurozone) are known\nas indirect quotation or quantity quotation and are used in\nBritish newspapers and are also common in Australia, New\nZealand and the Eurozone.\n\nSource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange_rate\n\n\nExamples:\n\nIndirect (Quantity) Quotation: EUR/USD 1.1232\n"For one Euro one gets 1.1232 USD."\n\nDirect (Price) Quotation: USD/EUR 0.89\n"One USD costs 0.89 EUR." PrefNoteStoreSettingsNextToFile = The GUI settings contain configurations such as the start page,\nthe width of some columns and window areas, the expanded nodes\nof the classification view, and more.\n\nBy default, the GUI settings are stored hidden in the 'workspace'\nfolder. It is also possible to store them in a '.settings' file\nnext to the Portfolio Performance file itself. This facilitates\nsynchronizing the settings across multiple PCs.\n\nAttention: the GUI settings are not migrated. To keep the current\nsettings, do the following: open a Portfolio Performance file ->\nthen change the checkbox here -> then save the file under a new\nname. PrefPortfolioReportAPIKey = Portfolio Report API Key PrefPortfolioReportAPIURL = Portfolio Report API URL PrefQuandlAPIKey = Quandl API Key PrefRelativeBackupDirectoryName = Directory name next to data file PrefStoreSettingsNextToFile = Store GUI settings next to Portfolio Performance file PrefTitle = Updates PrefTitleAPIKeys = API Keys PrefTitleAlphaVantage = Alpha Vantage PrefTitleBackup = Backups PrefTitleCalendar = Calendar PrefTitleDivvyDiary = DivvyDiary PrefTitleEODHistoricalData = EOD Historical Data PrefTitleFinnhub = Finnhub PrefTitleFormatting = Formatting PrefTitleGeneral = General PrefTitleLanguage = Language PrefTitlePortfolioReport = Portfolio Report PrefTitlePresentation = Presentation PrefTitleProxy = Proxy PrefTitleQuandl = Quandl PrefUpdateQuotesAfterFileOpen = Automatically update quotes after opening a file PrefUpdateSite = &Update URL: PresetsPrefPageDescription = Preset values for new data. PresetsPrefPageNow = Current time PresetsPrefPageStartOfDay = Start of day PresetsPrefPageTime = Time PresetsPrefPageTitle = Presets RebalanceAmbiguousTooltip = The rebalancing result is ambiguous.\n\nYou can refine the taxonomy or exclude some securities from the rebalancing to resolve the ambiguity. RebalanceInexactTooltip = The rebalancing result is not exact, because there is no exact solution.\n\nThis solution minimizes the mean square error while respecting that the results have to add up to 0.\n\nYou can coarsen the taxonomy or include more securities in the rebalancing to get an exact solution. SecuritiesChart_NoDataMessage_NoHoldings = No holdings existent SecuritiesChart_NoDataMessage_NoPrices = No prices available SecuritiesChart_NoDataMessage_NoPricesInSelectedPeriod = No prices available in selected period: {0} SecuritiesChart_NoDataMessage_NoSecuritySelected = No security selected SecurityFilter = Filter securities based on the shares held SecurityFilterSharesHeldEqualZero = Shares held = 0 SecurityFilterSharesHeldNotZero = Shares held \u2260 0 SecurityListFilter = Filter securities SecurityListFilterDateReached = Securities: Date reached SecurityListFilterDistanceFromAth = Security: Distance from ATH SecurityListFilterHideInactive = Only active instruments SecurityListFilterLimitPriceExceeded = Securities: Limit price exceeded SecurityListFilterOnlyExchangeRates = Only exchange rates SecurityListFilterOnlySecurities = Only securities SecurityMenuAddEvent = Event... SecurityMenuAddNewSecurity = Add new investment instrument SecurityMenuAddNewSecurityDescription = Search by ticker symbol, ISIN, or name\n(using your web browser might find more). SecurityMenuAddPrice = Add SecurityMenuBuy = Buy SecurityMenuConfigureOnlineUpdate = Configure online update... SecurityMenuCreateManually = Create manually... SecurityMenuCreateQuotesFromTransactions = Create historical quotes from transactions SecurityMenuDebugGetHistoricalQuotes = Debug: Show server response SecurityMenuDeleteAllPrices = Delete All SecurityMenuDeleteLatestQuote = Delete latest price SecurityMenuDeleteMultipleSecurity = Delete {0} securities SecurityMenuDeleteMultipleSecurityConfirm = Do you really want to delete {0} securities? SecurityMenuDeletePrice = Delete SecurityMenuDeleteSingleSecurity = Delete security SecurityMenuDeleteSingleSecurityConfirm = Do you really want to delete the security ''{0}''? SecurityMenuDividends = Dividend SecurityMenuEditSecurity = Edit... SecurityMenuEmptyInstrument = Empty instrument SecurityMenuErrorMessageRoundingMustBeBetween0AndX = Decimal Places must be between 0 and {0}. SecurityMenuExportCSV = Export to CSV file... SecurityMenuHICPMessage = Harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP)\nof the European Central Bank (ECB) SecurityMenuImportCSV = Import from CSV file... SecurityMenuImportHTML = Import HTML table... SecurityMenuLabelNumberOfDecimalPlaces = Number of decimal places:\nWarning: this change removes the decimal places from the file. SecurityMenuNewCryptocurrency = New cryptocurrency... SecurityMenuNewCryptocurrencyMessage = List of cryptocurrencies on CoinGecko\n\nPrices are read using the currency configured in the properties of the instrument. If you are missing a cryptocurrency, create and configure the instrument manually. SecurityMenuNewExchangeRate = New exchange rate... SecurityMenuNewHICP = New consumer price index... SecurityMenuNewSecurity = New instrument... SecurityMenuQuotes = Quotes SecurityMenuRemoveFromWatchlist = Remove from ''{0}'' SecurityMenuRoundToXDecimalPlaces = Round historical prices to X decimal places SecurityMenuSearch4Securities = Search for instruments... SecurityMenuSell = Sell SecurityMenuSetMultipleSecurityActive = Set {0} securities active SecurityMenuSetMultipleSecurityActiveConfirm = Do you really want to set {0} securities active? SecurityMenuSetMultipleSecurityInactive = Set {0} securities inactive SecurityMenuSetMultipleSecurityInactiveConfirm = Do you really want to set {0} securities inactive? SecurityMenuSetSingleSecurityActive = Set security active SecurityMenuSetSingleSecurityActiveConfirm = Do you really want to set the security ''{0}'' active? SecurityMenuSetSingleSecurityInactive = Set security inactive SecurityMenuSetSingleSecurityInactiveConfirm = Do you really want to set the security ''{0}'' inactive? SecurityMenuStockSplit = Stock split... SecurityMenuTransfer = Transfer... SecurityMenuUpdateQuotes = Update quotes online SecurityMenuUpdateQuotesMultipleSecurities = Update quotes ({0} securities) SecurityTabChart = Chart SecurityTabChart10Y = 10Y SecurityTabChart10YToolTip = 10 years SecurityTabChart1M = 1M SecurityTabChart1MToolTip = 1 month SecurityTabChart1Y = 1Y SecurityTabChart1YToolTip = 1 year SecurityTabChart2M = 2M SecurityTabChart2MToolTip = 2 months SecurityTabChart2Y = 2Y SecurityTabChart2YToolTip = 2 years SecurityTabChart3Y = 3Y SecurityTabChart3YToolTip = 3 years SecurityTabChart5Y = 5Y SecurityTabChart5YToolTip = 5 years SecurityTabChart6M = 6M SecurityTabChart6MToolTip = 6 months SecurityTabChartAll = A SecurityTabChartAllToolTip = All available data SecurityTabChartHoldingPeriod = H SecurityTabChartHoldingPeriodToolTip = Holding period SecurityTabChartYTD = YTD SecurityTabChartYTDToolTip = Year-to-date SecurityTabEvents = Events SecurityTabHistoricalQuotes = Historical Quotes SecurityTabTrades = Trades SecurityTabTransactions = Transactions SplitWizardDefinitionDescription = Define for which instrument, at which date (ex-date) and at which ratio\n(for example 2 new for 1 existing share) the stock is split. SplitWizardDefinitionTitle = Stock Split SplitWizardErrorNewAndOldMustNotBeEqual = Split ratio (new for old) is identical. SplitWizardLabelNewForOld = for SplitWizardLabelSplit = Split SplitWizardLabelUpdateQuotes = Convert historical quotes SplitWizardLabelUpdateTransactions = Convert transactions SplitWizardReviewQuotesDescription = Check the conversion of the historical quotes. SplitWizardReviewQuotesTitle = Preview Historical Quotes SplitWizardReviewTransactionsDescription = Check the conversion of the transactions. SplitWizardReviewTransactionsTitle = Preview Transactions SurveyIcon = survey.png SurveyReminder = Take part in the Portfolio Performance Survey. Let us know what's important to you and what we should focus on developing over the next few months. It only takes 5 minutes. SurveyTooltip = Take part in the Portfolio Performance Survey. Let us know what's important to you and what we should focus on developing over the next few months. It only takes 5 minutes. SystemMenuChangelog = Changelog SystemMenuCheckForUpdates = Check for Updates... SystemMenuNewAndNoteworthy = New && Noteworthy TabAccountBalanceChart = Account Balance Chart TabTransactions = Transactions TitlePasswordDialog = Assign password TooltipAllTimeHigh = All-Time High (ATH) in the last {0} days: {2} ({1})\nCurrent security price: {3} ({4}) TooltipAverageHoldingPeriod = The average holding period is calculated as follows:\n\n* All trades are included that were in the portfolio at some point within the selected reporting period.\n\n* The holding period of each security results from the time of purchase and sale. Immediate sales are assumed for positions currently held.\n\n* The position weight is calculated from the purchase price of the position relative to the total number of all purchase prices.\n\n* Result "average holding period of all positions" is the sum of the products "holding period * percentage position weight" across all positions. TooltipDateOfExchangeRate = Exchange rate of {0} TooltipHintPressAlt = Press 'Alt' when opening tooltip to sort entries by value TooltipMaxDrawdown = The Maximum Drawdown is the maximum peak to valley loss in a given period.\n\n{0} to {1} TooltipMaxDrawdownDuration = The Max Drawdown Duration is the worst (the maximum/longest) amount of time an investment has seen between peaks (equity highs). TooltipMaxDrawdownDurationEndOfPeriod = Since {0} (until end of reporting period {1}) TooltipMaxDrawdownDurationFromXtoY = {0} to {1} TooltipMaxDurationLowToHigh = Longest recovery time (duration from a low to a peak): {0} days. TooltipPortfolioFeeRate = Portfolio Fee Rate\n\nFees / (realized and unrealized capital gains + earnings) TooltipPortfolioTaxRate = Portfolio Tax Rate\n\nTaxes / (realized and unrealized capital gains + earnings - fees) TooltipQuoteAtDate = {0} at {1} TooltipRebalancingIndicator = Color coding according to the {0}/{1} Rule:\n\n{0}% absolute deviation: {2} is {3} of {4}\n{1}% relative deviation: {2} is {5} of {6}\n\nConfigure in toolbar. TooltipSecurityLatestPrice = Latest security price of {0} from {1} TooltipSemiVolatility = Semivariance only looks at the negative fluctuations of an asset.\n\nIf the negative and postive fluctuations are equal, then the following holds\n\nVolatility (v) = Semi-variance (s) * \u221A2\n\nIf the current data set is evenly distributed, then the semivariance is\n\n s = v \u00F7 \u221A2 = {2} \u00F7 \u221A2 = {0}\n\nCompare that with the actual semivariance\n\n {0} {1} {3}\n evenly distributed {1} actual semivariance\n\n\nThe semivariance is calculated using the "accumulated" data series. Therefore performance-neutral transactions have no impact. Weekends and public holidays are ignored (for example Easter and Christmas days). TooltipTurnoverRate = The Portfolio Turnover Rate measures how much of the portfolio was "replaced" throughout the holding period, as a fraction of the average portfolio value.\n\nPurchases: {0}\nSales: {1}\nAverage portfolio volume: {2}\nPortfolio Turnover Rate: {3} TooltipVolatility = Volatility (or variance) is a measure for variation of price of a financial instrument over time.\n\nThe volatility is calculated using the "accumulated" data series. Therefore performance-neutral transactions have no impact. Weekends and public holidays are ignored (for example Easter and Christmas days). TransactionFilter = Filter data by transaction type TransactionFilterBuy = Buys TransactionFilterBuyAndSell = Buys and sells TransactionFilterDeliveries = Deliveries TransactionFilterDeposit = Deposits TransactionFilterDepositAndRemoval = Deposits and Removals TransactionFilterDividend = Dividends TransactionFilterFees = Transaction with fees TransactionFilterInterest = Interest TransactionFilterNone = All transaction types TransactionFilterRemoval = Removals TransactionFilterSecurityRelated = Transactions with investment vehicle TransactionFilterSell = Sells TransactionFilterTaxes = Transactions with taxes TransactionFilterTransfers = Transfers Url = URL WatchlistDelete = Delete Watchlist WatchlistEditDialog = Edit Watchlist Name WatchlistEditDialogMsg = Give the watchlist a name WatchlistNewLabel = New Watchlist WatchlistRename = Rename Watchlist Website = Website YearlyPerformanceHeatmapToolTip = Yearly rate of return displayed as heatmap\n\nTo calculate the yearly rate of return, the true-time weighted rate of return (TTWROR) is used.\n\nThe rate of return is always calculated for the full year - even if the reporting interval ends or starts in the middle of a year.