Getting started: Cash vs Deposit/Reference accounts

Thanks very much. Will take a look. I did find a Word to Markdown converter as well and I’m happy to do the manual editing of markdown learning from existing documents.

It was getting the environment set up and working (even after following the guide here and videos etc) that was pretty heavyweight and time-consuming. I can get there when I have a bit more time.

Hi Stuart,
Whow! I’ve downloaded the Google docs file and it looks amazing! Very well done. I’m sure that many people will find it very useful.

If it’s OK with you, I can try to upload it into the manual in the How-to section. That gives you a little bit more time to continue working on your part 2 :slight_smile:

Maybe, we should as @flywire suggested, search for an easier way to contribute to the docs.

Thanks again for your great contribution.

Thanks Hugo. I hope it’s of some help and I’m happy if you or anyone wants to add it to the manual and edit if needed.

I think perhaps it would be worthwhile considering using something like a wiki or Wordpress site for documentation. Not as nice to look at as mkdocs-material, but could help broaden the appeal of PP by allowing easier access to new users.

Your efforts with the manual have been massively helpful.


Hi Stuart, your text is added to the manual in the how-to section (with a reference to this forum). The conversion was done with the free pandoc software; but see also the link from @Rafa above.

I will search for an easier method to contribute to the docs, so that, for example changing this text on gitbub should be more feasible.

Thanks again for this nice tutorial.


Is that definitely live now? I couldn’t find it.


Sorry, I forgot to add it to the menu How-to. Now, it should be visible.

Thank you again for getting this up there.
