PDF import from Bunq bank

I see that the online-only bank Bunq is not supported yet as PDF import. They allow exports in PDF, CSV and MT940 (whatever that may be). It is a popular Dutch bank, I think with exposure to Germany as well.

Below the anonimized PDF-TXT export from the PP debug functionality. Upon request I have CSV as well.

Could you take a look at it?

PDFBox Version: 1.8.17
Portfolio Performance Version: 0.65.6
Rekeninghouder Bankgegevens
X.X. PxC bunq B.V.
xxxxxxxxx@xxx.com Chamber of Commerce: 54992060
ZVjOuDUt qNMJwsBWUbZwlYB 06 Naritaweg 131-133
1571hK Utrecht 1043BS Amsterdam
Netherlands Netherlands
IBAN: NL50 BUNQ 6261 8423 94
Persoonlijke rekening
Saldo op 2023-08-05: € 0,00
Saldo op 2023-11-30: € 18.898,92
Totaal inkomend: € 20.398,92
Totaal uitgaand: € 1.500,00
Download datum: 2023-11-30
Datum Rentedatum Tegenrekening Omschrijving Bedrag
2023-08-06 2023-08-06 Hr GR Kok Topup account + € 20.000,00
NL65INGB0000000000 NL50BUNQ0000000000XxxxXxxxxXxxx
2023-08-10 2023-08-10 bunq bunq Payday 2023-08-10 EUR + € 4,04
2023-08-17 2023-08-17 bunq bunq Payday 2023-08-17 EUR + € 9,44
2023-08-24 2023-08-24 bunq bunq Payday 2023-08-24 EUR + € 9,44
2023-08-31 2023-08-31 bunq bunq Payday 2023-08-31 EUR + € 9,45
2023-08-31 2023-09-01 GR Kok Transaction ID: - € 1.000,00
NL65INGB0000000000 91bfebb62a36f961a2d2d901607ff3a7.1
Voor de fiets
2023-09-07 2023-09-07 bunq bunq Payday 2023-09-07 EUR + € 9,11
2023-09-14 2023-09-14 bunq bunq Payday 2023-09-14 EUR + € 8,98
2023-09-21 2023-09-21 bunq bunq Payday 2023-09-21 EUR + € 8,99
Aan dit overzicht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. 1/2
Dit product valt onder het depositogarantiestelsel. Raadpleeg voor meer
informatie onze pagina Inzicht in Depositogarantie.
Transactieoverzicht van NL50 BUNQ 6261 8423 94
Datum Rentedatum Tegenrekening Omschrijving Bedrag
2023-09-28 2023-09-28 bunq bunq Payday 2023-09-28 EUR + € 8,99
2023-10-05 2023-10-05 bunq bunq Payday 2023-10-05 EUR + € 9,00
2023-10-12 2023-10-12 bunq bunq Payday 2023-10-12 EUR + € 9,00
2023-10-19 2023-10-19 bunq bunq Payday 2023-10-19 EUR + € 9,00
2023-10-26 2023-10-26 bunq bunq Payday 2023-10-26 EUR + € 9,01
2023-10-29 2023-10-30 GR Kok Transaction ID: - € 500,00
NL65INGB0000000000 05bfdcb0cbc3583bfad2eaf941b0d3d7.1 Pkr
2023-11-02 2023-11-02 bunq bunq Payday 2023-11-02 EUR + € 8,95
2023-11-07 2023-11-07 Hr GR Kok Topup account + € 250,00
NL65INGB0000000000 NL50BUNQ0000000000XxxxXxxxxXxxx
2023-11-09 2023-11-09 bunq bunq Payday 2023-11-09 EUR + € 8,80
2023-11-16 2023-11-16 bunq bunq Payday 2023-11-16 EUR + € 8,90
2023-11-23 2023-11-23 bunq bunq Payday 2023-11-23 EUR + € 8,91
2023-11-30 2023-11-30 bunq bunq Payday 2023-11-30 EUR + € 8,91
Aan dit overzicht kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. 2/2
Dit product valt onder het depositogarantiestelsel. Raadpleeg voor meer
informatie onze pagina Inzicht in Depositogarantie.

Hello @Guido
Not all information, such as taxes or fees, is included in this PDF debug. The shares in the security are also missing.

Please create the PDF debugs and anonymize only your personal information.
The personal data must be replaced 1 to 1.
Other changes, such as replacing the date, amounts, ISIN, security name, etc. are also counterproductive.

Name → Max Mustermann and so on…
Address → Blumenstraße
IBAN and deposit numbers: The numbers 1 to 1.

Are there single statements for the transactions?
Please purchase, sale, dividend payment, transactions with currency exchange, reference account, clearing account and so on… Please post these as a PDF debug.
The more PDF debugs we have, the better we can decide which PDFs we need and can create the importer for PP.

Video tutorial:
PDF-Dokumente für die Fehlersuche extrahieren
