"An error occurred during uninstall" when updating


Since version 0.58.2 I can’t update automatically PP

I get the message:

An error occurred during uninstall
  the context of the session was :(profil=DefaultProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Uninstall, operande=[R]name.abuchen.portfolio.distro.product.executable.win32.win32.x86_64 0.58.1 --> null, action=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.natives.actions.CleanupzipAction).
  Backup of file C:\Users\[Name]\iCloudDrive\Finance\Portfolio\PortfolioPerformancec.exe failed.
  C:\Users\[Name]\iCloudDrive\Finance\Portfolio\PortfolioPerformancec.exe -> C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Local\Temp\DefaultProfile_bd1fa222-d31d-4fe1-b7e6-63863b8b4dd2\C\Users\[Nom]\iCloudDrive\Finance\Portfolio\PortfolioPerformancec.exe: The operation is not supported by the cloud sync provider.

How to do it ?

Thank you

Message translated from French to English by QTranslate

Are you using iCloud?

Edit: Yes you do :wink:

Seems that a move- or other operation is rejected by iCloud leading to this error. Except from the application-configuration, the whole thing shouldn’t be iCloud-worthy, so what happens if you exclude PP’s installation directory from the synched directories?

Thanks kimmerin it works I had a hard time moving the configuration and .xml files
I was afraid to destroy everything. The installation and interlocking of all the elements is not clear to me I swim …
I also don’t speak English
Thank you and good evening