API for Indian Pension Fund (NPS)

I tried to add a security type Pension Fund. I have purchased few Fund under National Pension Scheme (NPS) of India.

I came across an API which I tried to configure in PP ( under " from web table")

When updating the quote PP does not show historical quotes, but when I click on server Response it shows all historical quotes for the chosen scheme. It shows historical quotes in HTML as well jason format.

How can I bring these quotes to PP

Attaching few screenshot

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Attached, Hope you got them

You have to use “JSON” (see WIR Bank Anteilschein CH1204218437 - #4 by ProgFriese for example)

You want to use https://npsnav.in/api/historical/SM007002. Copy the body of the response in your browser and paste it into the left side of the page https://jsonpathfinder.com/

On the right side of the page you can click on the data (date or nav), and you see the path (x.data[0].date and x.data[0].nav).

With that information you can fill the tab “historical quotes”.

The URL is clear: https://npsnav.in/api/historical/SM007002

The path to date is: $.data[*].date
(you have change the leading x from jsonpathfinder into a $, and you have to change the 0 into the wildcard *)

Dateformat is: dd-MM-yyyy

Path to quote is: $.data[*].nav
(same changes)

EDIT: JSON Quote Feed Provider - Portfolio Performance Manual is helpful


You must use json instead of “from web table”

@ProgFriese was faster :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot.
It worked.
I first tried json only with every thing you mentioned. BUT INSTEAD OF $.data[].nav, I was using $.data[].close, and hence quotes were not populating.

Then I tried table on website…

Thanks again for your prompt yet detailed response and assistance

Have a lovely day and year ahead

Thanks you very much.
Yes jason did work

My sincere thanks for your prompt assistance

Have a wonderful day and year ahead.


There are two providers that support India. “AMFI India” with the latest prices and “mfapi.in” for historical prices as well. You might want to test that as well.

Hello Andreas


If you remeber, I interacted with you personally through email to have two above-mentioned API included in PP and you were kind to include both API and also import of KARVY pdf statment. So i am aware and happily monitoring my portfolio in PP :smile:

Pension Fund are operated independently and their NAV can not be retrieved from above two API , So this API was searched and now working very well .

Thanks again for your kind attention

With my best regards
