API for Indian Pension Fund (NPS)

You have to use “JSON” (see WIR Bank Anteilschein CH1204218437 - #4 by ProgFriese for example)

You want to use https://npsnav.in/api/historical/SM007002. Copy the body of the response in your browser and paste it into the left side of the page https://jsonpathfinder.com/

On the right side of the page you can click on the data (date or nav), and you see the path (x.data[0].date and x.data[0].nav).

With that information you can fill the tab “historical quotes”.

The URL is clear: https://npsnav.in/api/historical/SM007002

The path to date is: $.data[*].date
(you have change the leading x from jsonpathfinder into a $, and you have to change the 0 into the wildcard *)

Dateformat is: dd-MM-yyyy

Path to quote is: $.data[*].nav
(same changes)

EDIT: JSON Quote Feed Provider - Portfolio Performance Manual is helpful