📱 App: New & Noteworthy

This topic contains the list of new and noteworthy additions to the mobile application.

:arrow_forward: Deutsche Version

:arrow_forward: New & Noteworthy of the Desktop version (or in German)

Version 1.2.0 / 22 May 2024

Direct support of OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, and WebDAV

This release includes direct support for OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, and WebDAV. To use this feature, authenticate with your cloud provider, browse to your file, and tap to open it within the app.

While it was possible to use these providers through the “Files App” before, this direct integration means you can sync and access your files more reliably, with faster change detection and fewer issues with lost permissions. Your files will also be cached on your phone, making them accessible even with a poor network connection.

You may see a warning about an unverified publisher of the authenticating app. This is because providers have different policies for verifying apps. For example, Dropbox only verifies apps after they have more than 50 logins. Rest assured, I will verify with all providers in due time. The functionality does not change, and you can use it already.

Lock File When Leaving the App

I’ve added a new setting to enhance security: you can now lock the file when you leave the app. To enable this feature, activate the lock option in the settings. If you leave the app or put it into the background, the app will lock after 10 seconds, ensuring your financial data is no longer visible. This includes hiding data in the app switcher.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-22 um 21.13.57

New Layout in Asset Statement Showing Today’s Performance and Total Performance

The asset statement now displays both today’s performance (1 day) and total performance. This feature uses the true-time weighted rate of return. To configure this view, open the filter drawer at the top right and the select the appropriate layout.

More bug fixes

  • Enhanced error messaging for unparseable JSON path expressions when downloading historical prices from JSON sources.
  • Resolved an issue with sigma not displaying on Android devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the editing mode on the dashboard remained enabled when opening another dashboard.
  • Fixes an issue where the axis tick labels were rounded to whole numbers.
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Version 1.2.1 / 24 May 2024

This version fixes an issue with using OneDrive when the drive contains shared files.

Google Drive

Attention: When using Google Drive, the notice App blocked is currently displayed. This is because the app has reached the limit of 100 users on Google Drive. No more users can be added until Google verifies the app. I started the process about 2 weeks ago. However, according to Google, the process can take up to 6 weeks. :frowning_face:

Copy Mobile Dashboard

If you move your file from the setup via the “Files” app to a cloud provider, you can also move the mobile dashboard:

  • Do not remove the current file initially
  • First, add the new file
  • In the list of files, open the context menu (the three dots on the right)
  • Select “Info”
  • Select “Copy configuration from …”
  • Select the old, current file
  • Afterwards, the current file can be removed
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