Automatic taxonomies for stocks and ETFs

I’m new in portfolioperformance. All my stock are unclassified in Taxonomy reports.
I see i can define manually. I’v also seen there are ways to import taxonomies.
I have these questions:

  1. Is it a problem of my setup (it seems strange that the program has not yet this feature included)?
  2. If not so, I saw It is possible to download an additional feature from github.
    Does exists somewhere a clear explanation for using this feature. I tried to follow instructions, but they where not enough clear for me)


Easiest is the follow this thread: Automatic import of classifications - #186 by Alfons1Qvor12

There are different versions of the python script on github. I maintain the following one: GitHub - Alfons1Qto12/pp-portfolio-classifier: automatic classification of ETFs in Portfolio Performance using holding lists. Classifications for stocks is not a standard function, but I have added it as an optional feature. You activate it by using -stocks in command line (see README). If you have issues, please ask in the thread indicated by Sn1kk3r5.