I am new to this software but it looks very useful.
I am having trouble importing data from Interactive Brokers. I have downloaded the source and am looking at IBFlexStatementExtractor.java.
However at this point I can not build from source. I get an NPE in maven while downloading/opening org.eclipse.core.commands.nl_de_4.6.0.v20161126060001.jar from http://archive.eclipse.org/technology/babel/update-site/R0.14.1/neon/plugins/
I say opening because I can use curl to download this file. I am not familiar with maven, sadly, because I got off the java development train 15 years ago.
I have uploaded the log file to: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4amkm5sr5qk8985/debug.log?dl=0.
It appears I get the same error whether I am using eclipse 4.7.2 or the macos terminal.
I welcome any suggestions on how to get past this problem.