Custom starting date in benchmark chart

Hi everyone,

I’m a new user of this great software.

I succeeded in installing everything as I wanted, except for 1 little thing in the chart part of the app.

I want to check my global performance vs 1 specific ETF fund in a chart. Easy you might say : I just have to put my global portfolio in the chart, and then add this specific ETF as a benchmark.
But… My specific ETF was merged with another one in June 2024.
Therefore, before June, my specific ETF had an ISIN code of say AAAA.
During June, it went form ISIN code AAAA to ISIN code BBBB. The fun part is that the ISIN code BBBB already existed and before June, it listed a completely different ETF than as of today.

When I benchmark with ISIN code BBBB, the benchmark is therefore irrelevant as before June, performance of ETF BBBB is nowhere near the performance of ETF AAAA.

Is there a way to add a benchmark chart with an ETF until a specific date, and then to change the benchmarked ETF at this specific date ? I did not find anything like this kind of functionnality.

Thanks in advance anyway.

Hey Hgozilla,

I do not have my PP with me, but if you have a security as a benchmark you should be able to change the source for historical data for that security. When doing so and when asked you must chose the option to keep the old prices. This way you can combine any security with any prices.

That would do it yes, thank you. But I really do not see how to change the source for historical data for a security, especially with some date as a pivot date. Would you care to explain me how to do so ? Thank you very much.

Hey Hgozilla,

in general you need to edit the security. If it is connected to PortfolioReport you have to disconnect it in the first tab of the editing dialogue.
Since I am in Germany I use EUR prices from a German website. However, this website may also report other currencies, but my example will show EUR prices for now.
In the historical prices tab you can use “table on website” or so. Then try the URL

This gives you the EUR (currency=EUR) quotes from NASDAQ (boerse_id=40) for amazon for the last 30 days … US Dollar would be currency=USD :sunglasses:

Importing the new quotes will let PP to recognize that the source for quotes has been changed and will ask if to proceeed and if so, how to handle the existing quotes. Depending how long back the the merger was you decide to replace or keep the old quotes. Quotes that have not been replaced but should have been can be altered by yourself in the security overview

Advice: try in a copy of your PP document before going serious.

There may be tables on other websites but those I do not use so you have to figure out the URL yourself.

Does that help?


This very much helps. Thank you very much ! I’m going to fiddle in this evening I think. Thanks again.

Let me know if you need further clearification but fiddling around is the best way to learn :sunglasses: