Delete row “Not Classified”

Hi all,

is there a way to delete the row “Not Classified” in the Taxonomies view? The right click → delete don’t work. thx


Hi @Carl_Dinlo,

deletion isn’t possible, but instead you need to make use of the filter, so the unclassified one’s doesn’t count.



thanks man! I filter out as you advice! the mobile app it’s AMAZING :slight_smile:

in the filters I can only filter by account.
What if I wan’t to have a classification of my cash holdings by currency. It could contain my deposit accounts (filter will work in that case) but also some ultra short term debt ETFs in different currency. I don’t have the option to filter in that case as the ETFs are in accounts which also contains other stuff
is there a solution?

Thanks in advance

You could try using GitHub - pfalcon/ppxml2db: Scripts to import PortfolioPerformance ( XML into a SQLite DB and export back to export it to a database then query it.

Hello, I am not sure I 100% followed, but the Taxonomy may help you. With Taxonomy you can group any combination of Deposit Account and securities, and then have access to the Taxonomy and its nodes for the chart data selection and widget selection.
On this example: Deposit Accounts are grouped with a Security.

(It could have been a separate thread, I did not see the link with the first post of the topic.)

It is linked with the post. I’m using taxonomy but I want to get rid of the unclassified in order only to have the repartition over the stocks and account I classified in the taxonomy.
Let’s take another example: I want a taxonomy with the geographical repartition of my stocks. But only stocks, not cash, debt…y trading Accounts includes stocks and debt How can I achieve that?


Hello Oliver, sorry ok !
Hmm I think the Taxonomy should be able to handle that well. You can keep all irrelevant data in the “without classification”. Then in the Taxonomy charts you can choose to exclude the “Without Classification” node. Should be under the ‘gear’ symbole.
In Taxonomy you do not have access to trading account (Securities Account), you have access to your deposit accounts and all Securities individually. So it is very easy to include Security “stock1” in a Taxonomy node without including Security “debt1” even if they are in a common Securities Account.
Did I miss the point again ? :sweat_smile: in which case, could you put some screenshots to better pinpoint the issue ?