I’m trying to use PP’s “Trades” export for my tax reporting. It works great, with one exception: I’m having difficulty with standalone “Fees” transactions.
When I include some fees as part of a Buy transaction, in the Trades export, they get added to the “Entry Value” (aka “Cost Basis”) - exactly as expected. When I include fees in a Sell transaction, they get subtracted from the “Exit Value” (aka Net Proceeds), also as expected.
However, consider the following:
- Buy a security. i.e. 100 shares at a price of $100 each (Entry Value = $10,000)
- Add a “Fees” transaction for that same security. Let’s say $1000 worth of fees.
- Sell that same security, i.e. 100 shares at a price of $200 each (Exit Value = $20,000)
- Do a Trades export
Since the “Fees” have been attributed to that security, I would’ve expected PP to account for them either in the Entry Value ($11000) or Exit value ($19000) - but they seem to just disappear. In the export, the Entry Value (Cost Basis) is still $10,000, and the Exit Value (Net Proceeds) is still $20,000.
So I guess my questions are: is this a bug? Why does a “Fees” transaction have no effect in the Trades export (as fees do when directly in the buy/sell)?
Why this is needed: I’m trying to account for crypto gas fees. Often you’ll do some transaction for CryptoX, but pay for the fees in Ether. For example, sending CryptoX between wallets, or maybe to stake/unstake. Tax-wise, this needs to be handled like:
- Sale of Ethereum (realizing cap gains), then
- Fees get attributed to CryptoX (by adding to cost basis or subtracting from net proceeds).
It seems pretty clear that the way to do this in PP would be “Sell” followed by “Fees” - but as mentioned, the “Fees” transaction doesn’t seem to actually get attributed to CryptoX…?
Thanks very much in advance