Historical data from Xetra for crypto ETNs

I can’t find these 3 ETN on Xetra Market:
WisdomTree Crypto Altcoins ALTC DE
WisdomTree Crypto Market WBLCG DE
WisdomTree Crypto Mega Cap Equal Weight WMEG DE
I need hystorical data but I can’t find it on yahoo, could you help me?

I just googled the first one: here is what I got:

I need the right ticker to link the quotations with yahoo finance in portfolio performance

There are no tickers for XETRA on yahoo.

ALTC is correct, for XETRA it has to be ALTC.DE → don’t exist.
You can try ALTC.DU or ALTC.MU, existing but without history

Why do you insist on yahoo? There are so many sources that are better.

What can I use in Portfolio Performance?

Sorry, but this feels a little like spoon-feeding.

Why not making use of the search, or the manual?

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Thanks, appreciated