Historical quotes from Portfolio Report

What is Portfolio Report?

Portfolio Report is an open-source project aimed at centrally providing Portfolio Performance with data. Securities master data (name, ISIN, WKN, ticker symbol) as well as historical prices can also be obtained from there.

Where do the data come from?

The data mostly come from a commercial provider of price data and are licensed for use with Portfolio Performance.

What limitations are there?

  • Only historical prices (i.e., closing prices after the end of trading) are provided, not current prices (i.e., while trading is active on a marketplace).
  • Historical prices are provided only for certain securities and stock exchanges (currently: XETRA).

How can historical prices be used in Portfolio Performance?

  1. The security in Portfolio Performance must be linked to the central data set of Portfolio Report.

    • New securities with links can be created via the search for securities. Search results with the cloud symbol image are from Portfolio Report and are linked.
    • For existing securities, such a link exists if the button image is present in the master data. (In addition, ISIN and WKN cannot be edited.)
    • To establish a link for an existing security afterwards, you can select the option “Link with Portfolio Report” from the context menu and enter the URL there. To find the URL, search for the security on www.portfolio-report.net and then copy the address of the search result, e.g., https://www.portfolio-report.net/securities/be525a0ebdef4921b261aa2498a6949e.
  2. “Portfolio Report” must be selected as the supplier for historical prices, as well as a stock exchange. After that, the historical prices are obtained automatically. For new linked securities, this is the default if prices are available. If “Portfolio Report” is missing from the list of suppliers, then the security is likely not linked to “Portfolio Report” (see previous step).

What information does Portfolio Report collect?

When retrieving data, Portfolio Report receives the technically necessary information. These are

  • the identification of the security, the marketplace, and possibly the period,
  • the version number of Portfolio Performance, as well as
  • the IP address of the requesting device.

This information is necessary to determine the price data to be transmitted and the data format or for communication on the Internet in general. In principle, other price providers receive the same information.

This information is temporarily stored server-side in log files to, for example, recognize error situations. The IP address is stored anonymized. Furthermore, there is no storage or evaluation of the data.

In detail: Adding historical prices from Portfolio Report

The website Portfolio Report stores daily closing prices. These prices can be automatically imported into Portfolio Performance as “historical” prices. For this, the prices from Portfolio Report must be “linked” in Portfolio Performance. It is best to arrange the browser with Portfolio Report and Portfolio Performance side by side on the screen.

Security already exists

Initial situation: a security already exists in Portfolio Performance or has been newly created - ISIN/description/WKN are already entered.


  1. Copy the ISIN of a security in Portfolio Performance by double-clicking on ISIN.

  2. Open the website Portfolio Report Search and search for the ISIN.

  3. Click on the result and copy the URL displayed. Optionally, remember/note the symbol so that it can be entered in Portfolio Performance afterwards.

    Intermediate step for control: click on the ‘PRICES’ tab to ensure that there are prices available for the title at an exchange.

  4. Back in Portfolio Performance, right-click on the corresponding security in the overview and select “Link with Portfolio Report” from the menu.

  5. In the window that opens, paste the URL from step 3 and confirm with OK.

  6. Open the corresponding security for editing (CTRL+E). The security is now displayed as linked with Portfolio Report.

  7. In the “Historical Prices” tab, select “Portfolio Report” as the price supplier and confirm with OK.

Security does not exist yet

Initial situation: a security is found in Portfolio Report and is created in Portfolio Performance with “drag and drop”. Portfolio Performance should be open.


  1. Search/determine the security in Portfolio Report Search. After the result is displayed, point the cursor at the security until the cursor turns into a hand. This can now be dragged into Portfolio Performance.
  2. Then press/hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor into Portfolio Performance to the security field, release. The editing menu of the corresponding security opens automatically.

Further procedure as with an already existing security, step 6

Known errors

  • In step 7, no data is displayed, instead the message “Stock exchange missing for historical prices” appears. This means that the security is not traded on XETRA. Portfolio Report cannot provide data in this case.

  • Portfolio Report does not show any result when searching for ISIN. The security is therefore not included in Portfolio Report. This may be because the security is not traded on XETRA or it is traded but still needs to be included in Portfolio Report. In that case, please report it here in the forum.

I have another question or feedback…

Please just post here. That’s what this topic is for…


Hi Thomas,
I’ve just finished writing some documentation about Using Portfolio Report (see https://help.portfolio-performance.info/en/how-to/portfolioreport/. I also inserted some links to it in other sections e.g. Getting started and File > New.

If you have the time and interest, could you please review this section? Feel free to let me know if there’s anything I can assist you with.

Sorry for reaching out to you this way, but I couldn’t find another way.


Hi @Thomas , I would like to use the stock of NN Group in the documentation to illustrate the recording of a choice dividend (see here). I noticed however a few extreme spikes in the historical prices from PR; for example on March 8, 2023. (9.162 EUR/share). These are not in the dataset of XETRA nor Yahoo. Any explanation?

Also, I used the Amazon share to illustrate the stock split operation. It’s possible to have the raw pré-split data from PortfolioReport, but they are noted in EUR (as on XETRA). For documenation purposes, this looks a bit strange. Is there a work-around to have them in USD?


Though, lack of data at the sourcing data center who host the data.

No. You’re accessing the XETRA exchange who is dealing in Euro. USD are not available.

Should be corrected now, please double check.

Yes, the spikes are gone now. Thanks. When comparing the daily prices with the data from Euronext Amsterdam, I noticed that XETRA uses the symbol 2NN (vs NN), which is apparantly from the “Trading After Hours MTAH” market. The close prices are sometimes slightly different from those of XAMS. I’m not familiar with that market but it seems OK.

Symbols are market-specific and can have different meanings at different markets.

Would have expected that close prices are slightly different at different markets amd potentially different times.

Amazon_from_LSE_in_USD.csv.zip (4,8 KB)

Hope that helps

Yes, that’s it. Thanks.

Hi to all!
Is it possible that there will be a day’s delay in updating the closing price? For example, for the stock CH0454664001 (XETRA) there is the closing date of February 26th (and not today 27th)

Prices are updated over night. Tomorrow morning it should be there.

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@Thomas Hi,
I’ve updated the docs in the manual to reflect the latest changes (multi-currency). I have 2 questions:

  1. It is now possible to get the prices in other currencies than EUR. How is the conversion done? For example, Amazon is quoted 184.859 USD on June 13, 2024. Is this a USD price from XETRA or the converted EUR price with the ECB currency exchange rates?
  2. While testing, I noted that in the (website) search box, you don’t always have to enter the full name. For example, “COL” will provide Colruyt and Coca Cola but trying that with “Amaz” yields a “no result”?

Thanks for keeping the manual updated! :star_struck:

  1. The conversion is done using exchange rates, including but not limited to ECB exchange rates.

  2. The search leverages Trigram search. Surely, it could be improved. Is just a matter of time and priority.

Happy to answer your questions. However, I consider both implementation details that should not be maintained in the manual. This could change anytime without notice.

Thanks for your answers. Not sure on how to document it. I understand that the implementation details could change but, in my opinion, the interface should be documented. The user needs to know how to search (full or partial search, wildcards, regular expressions, …) or where the foreign currency quotes come from (retrieved from another exchange market, converted).

In my opinion, first and foremost a search should be useable without reading a manual. If that’s not possible, something is wrong with the search.
If there is special functionalities, it might make sense to document that, but I think, there isn’t. You can’t use wildcards, nor regular expressions. It’s a fuzzy search not a string comparison. So, both partial and full matches might work. It could also be that what the user considers to be a full match (e.g., “Lufthansa”) is actually only a partial match (of “Deutsche Lufthansa AG”).

If you want to recommend something to the end user, it probably would be to use ISIN/WKN instead of the name as it is unique.

Portfolio Report aims at delivering fair market prices in different currencies. If prices are available from a liquid market in the currency of your choice, they will be used. If not, exchange rates are used.

NEPSE recently restricted access to historical data from later years by placing it behind a paywall. Is it possible to contribute historical data to the portfolio report site so that other users can directly access it?

It is planned to extend the available data. Frankly speaking, NEPSE is not the highest priority.

If you can contribute data, we can discuss the options: Portfolio Report - Contact

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