Historical quotes from sources are broken

Some ETFs that are denominated in GBP and listed in LSEX, on some dates report prices wrongly in GBX. This naturally causes software to think 42.35 pounds is actually 4235 pounds.

The problem is not PP software, but the sources reporting wrong numbers.
An example should clarify.

VUSA.L is listed in LSEX in GBP and added to PP as:

Historical quotes highlighted in the following screenshot are wrong. (Again they are wrong in the online source as well, yahoo and alpha both)


This naturally causes performance chart to look like this: (I wish!)

This happens occasionally, and I am normally happy to edit these few quotes manually. The problem is every time I restart the program, or edit something in the asset description the quotes get updated, and manually corrected records are overwritten.

Can we add a method to lock historical quotes? or may be just selected ones?
Since the sources are wrong I doubt there will be another solution.

Sample ETFs for this are VUSA.L USDV.L

Also, apologies if I double posted this exact message somewhere else.
Despite using PP for quite some time now, I have just registered for the website and was getting „access denied“ trying to post. The all of a sudden this message auto-magically appeared

Historical rates of yahoo are often wrong (i dont know alpha).
If I understand your post correctly, you bought IE00B3XXRP09 in GBP. You can try to use onvista as source for historical rates: Vanguard S&P 500 UCITS ETF USD Dis.: ETF Kurs aktuell (A1JX53 • IE00B3XXRP09) • onvista

You see London twice, first in GBP second in USD. Choose first.

Click “Druckansicht” you get a new link, like “ETF-Suche • ETF-Finder: Suche nutzen & ETF finden • onvista”
Use the link as “Feed URL” in PP for “Historical Quotes” with Provider “Table on web site”.
Click OK and make a choice to delete or keep the old quotes.


Thanks! That onvista rates looks correct. Changed a few of my ETFs to onvista now.
By “alpha” I meant https://www.alphavantage.co/
It is a professional service normally, I use the “free rate limited api key”

That is correct, LSEX usually lists instruments in GBX (pennies) that ETF is listed in GBP (also in USD)

One follow up question,
I could not navigate to individual stocks historical prices on onvista, the

The „T & S Histories“ link that takes me to history on ETFs does not exist for shares.

Sometimes it’s a little bit tricky, sometimes it doesn’t work - your ISIN GB0001990497 is just tricky, I hope.

In the VUSA-Link (see above) „ETF-Suche • ETF-Finder: Suche nutzen & ETF finden • onvista
you see the “idNotation=64539375”.

In your given link “https://www.onvista.de/aktien/CITY-OF-LONDON-INVESTMENT-TRUST-PLC-Aktie-GB0001990497” you see

Change Gettex to London


The link is now changed to “City of London Investment Trust Aktie (907637 | GB0001990497) • onvista”.

In this new link is the notation=9454444

Change the VUSA-Link: idNotation=9454444
Result is „ETF-Suche • ETF-Finder: Suche nutzen & ETF finden • onvista.


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