Holding Period per trade / position

Hello friends,

I would like to see how long I have held a stock, for tax purposes, is there any way to see that?



Yes, you can have a look at the Trades View.

No, actually it’s not possible. There ist no open service/api for that purpose

View, Trades, click on security and transaction details can be shown in Information pane at bottom of window if set to view. Alternatively: View, All transactions, and search.

Export data as CSV, open file in a spreadsheet, filter by Security and/or Type then calculate days held (assuming FIFO).

In Reports->Performance->Trades you can add a column “Holding Period (days)” -

In my tax jurisdiction this is useful, because Capital Gains tax for long held asset (> 1year) is halved.

Be careful, Holding Period (days) is averaged on the number of transactions.