How to deal with profit-sharing and matching contribution?

I don’t how to deal with this, I can’t find it on the forum. For recall, the definitions are more or less these:

Profit Sharing: A system where a company distributes a portion of its profits to employees as an incentive based on performance.
Matching Contribution: An employer’s financial contribution that matches the amount an employee contributes to their retirement savings plan.

For matching contribution for instance, I am investing in some Euro funds (let’s say 1000e) and my company is adding a percentage (like 500e). So at the end I have 1500e and so it should be displayed as capital gain.

Is there an option that I didn’t see?

Hey Hibou,

are we talking about receiving shares in both cases?

Regarding your example with the matching contribution there are long and tedious dicussions here in the forum. Topics like free shares, etc.

There is no thing such as a free lunch. You book the contributed shares (which you got for 500 EUR) with their full price.

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Yes I could see that as free shares, and I used ‘delivery outbound’ which was a solution found on this forum. (I put it here in case it could help someone: How to represent free shares? )
Thank you!