How to display the same security in multiple currencies as one in views

I have the same ETF (same ISIN) that is quoted in multiple currencies (on same or different stock market) and I buy it in multiple currencies.

In securities I set two records for the same ETF, one is EUR, second in USD as written in the manual (“The currency field must correspond to the currency in which the security is traded.”)

Is there a way to “group” these records into one in reports? It is displayed separately, so I must manually count the percentage of total portfolio etc.

Hey Kib,

Have you lookes into classifications to solve this? You can create a classification, say ETF. In the data of the security ETF USD and the security ETF EUR you can bind those securities to that classification.

Well, yes, it is a workaround. I can create a special subclassification for this security (and name it by the security), and i can see the percentage of total portfolio in classification view than, but not in other views where classification is missing.
The best would be if there is an option to display securities with the same ISIN as one.
Anyway, thank you, I can at least use this workaround.