Import transactions from Nordnet using OpenRefine

I can import transactions from my brokers (Nordnet) transaction list if I amend the file. This required a bunch of minor changes, which I did using OpenRefine. It’s is an nice tool to transform a lot of data into the required CSV format. So if you have a broker file that you have to import try it out.

The process is:

  • Broker export file > Transform in OpenRefine > Export to CSV > import to PP

Transform required is mapping your brokers columns to PP expected columns:

  • Date
  • Time
  • ISIN
  • Ticker Symbol
  • WKN
  • Value
  • Transaction Currency
  • Type
  • Security Name
  • Shares
  • Note
  • Taxes
  • Fees
  • Cash Account
  • Offset Account
  • Securities Account

Save the OpenRefine transformation as a project, and can rerun it on a new export file later.

The hardest part I had was looking up the tickers in Yahoo.

An example JSON file of the operations taken to transform a Nordnet export CSV file into a PP import CSV file is attached (as a text file).NordnetOpenRefineOperations.txt (14,8 KB)


Is there somewhere a definition of the fields that PP. uses. I found it confusing. For instance “Value”: is this the Quote of one individual share or the total amount of all shares. PP also has fields for Gross amount , …etc. Also those fields don"t really correspond with the names of fields when you manually input a buy or sell transaction. If anyone can help or clarify, much appreciated.

Ok, i found a the solution: Just export your transactions to CVS/XLS and compare it to the manual entries. This gives you the following idea of the fields PP uses:
Value= total value of the transaction in the transaction currency
transaction currency = Currency of the transaction with your broker. Normally the currency of your portfolio
Gross Amount= number of shares x quote of the share
Currency Gross Amount= currency of the security
Exchange Rate= currency of the security/currency of the transaction
Fees and Taxes are both in the transaction currency.

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How do we add the price of the share as there is no mapping field in PP , sometimes the quote is wrong on yahoo and rather then editing I prefer to map to my buy price. is this possible ?

Why would you need that? It’s calculated from shares, value, fees and taxes.

I thought it takes the price of the share from historical quotes for calculating the price as once i corrected the historical price for one holding things worked fine for me. Here is another example where I don’t know why my performance calculation is wrong - the transactions are correct in green but the performance calculation is wrong so I am not sure from where it’s picking wrong numbers. 506 & 253 are correct amounts and transactions with correct dates but the performance calculator shows me wrong amount 473 and wrong date 4th Sep.

I fugured this out – Change the time period on the top for the table

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how would the rerunning work?
Wondering as I was just about to start using OpenRefine for Nordnet transactions, but it is still quite some work and would like to make sure that I can also reuse what I have done.

reuse by running the transform operations on a newly downloaded CSV of transactions from Nordnet.
In OpenRefine project, you can reload the operations as a JSON file (As supplied in the link in the original post here) like this: Running OpenRefine | OpenRefine
i.e. in the operations list click undo/redo and apply to import operations, or undo/redo and extract to archive the operations for reuse.