Next Developer Problem - opening Eclipse Target file

I was able to build the maven command:

mvn clean install -Dgenerate-target-platform=true

And I managed to find the file: portfolio-app/ide-target-platform/

The next step is:

In the resulting editor, click on the “Set as Target Platform” link at the top right (this may also take a while)

When I just click on the file I was getting the wrong editor (It just said that “/ide-target-platform/” was not a resource or something? )
To get the correct “Target Editor” I needed to right click on the target file and use the “Open With>Other…” then select “Target Editor”.
Having done that, I was able to click on the “Set as Target Platform” link.

The file “” looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?pde version="3.8"?>

PS, I am running eclipse photon 4.8 PDE build. And on top I have installed egit & etc from directions at:

Dear Charles,

I think you’re using an inkompatibel version of Eclipse. PP require the Oxygen edition of Eclipse.


1 - Ok - Thank you.
2 - The dependency upon Eclipse Oxygen would be nice thing to add to the git page.

Thanks for the feedback. Maybe in your installation the Target Editor is not activated by default. Right-clicking on the target file is the right way. (Maybe this enhancement of the documentation can be your first pull request :wink:)

In principle, one should be able to use Neon or Oxygen versions of Eclipse. Personally, I am using Oxygen, so I might not have noticed that is not not possible anymore.