PDF import for VIAC / WIR Bank

Hi All,

I’ve been using Portfolio Performance for a while now (great tool - kudos for creating it!) and have some issues with certain types of PDFs from VIAC. I believe a several topic has been discussed in the German part of the forum, but it seems that the solution implemented doesn’t work for VIAC documents issued in English. The two document types I’m having trouble with along with error messages from PP can be seen below:

  1. Refund withholding tax.pdf

    • “WIR Bank Genossenschaft: Unknown or unsupported transaction type in ‘2022-05-24_Refund withholding tax_12.pdf’”
  2. Cancellation dividend payment.pdf

    • “Only 0 out of 1 pattern matched: [^(Gutgeschriebener Betrag: Valuta|Amount credited: Value date) (?[\d]{2}.[\d]{2}.[\d]{4}) .*$] (2022-06-17_Cancellation dividend payment_1.pdf, 14…24) @ 2022-06-17_Cancellation dividend payment_1.pdf”

Is there a way to fix this issue so that also these PDF types can be imported from VIAC to PP?

Looking forward to any potential solutions. Thanks much!

Hello @swisslife

Please create a PDF debug and post it here.
The best way to see how this works is to watch the video tutorial.

Video Tutorial:
Extract PDF documents for debugging


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But in addition: A cancelation of dividends is not supported by the PDF Import at all, isnt’t @Nirus?

Hallo @Jo92
At this time, none of the PDF importers support dividend cancellations. However, I am collecting the PDF debug internally as soon as we have found time to implement this variant of posting. Until then, these transactions have to be entered manually

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Hi @Nirus,

Many thanks for your reply - appreciate it. Please see the requested PDF debugs below:

  1. Refund withholding tax
PDFBox Version: 1.8.16
Portfolio Performance Version: 0.59.1
Terzo Vorsorgestiftung der WIR Bank
Auberg 1
4002 Basel
Internet www.viac.ch
Email info@viac.ch
Phone 0800 80 40 40
Contract 1.234.567.890 Mr
Portfolio 1.234.567.890.04 Max Mustermann
Musterstrasse 12
1234 Mustercity
Mustertown, 17.06.2022
Refund withholding tax
We have booked the following dividend payment for you:
Type of dividend: Refund withholding tax
0.104 Qty CSIF Emerging Markets
ISIN: CH0017844686
Dividend payment: CHF 15.88
Amount CHF 1.65
Amount credited: Value date 23.05.2022 CHF 1.65
S. E. & O.
Kind regards
Terzo Pension Foundation
Notice without signature

  1. Cancellation dividend payment
PDFBox Version: 1.8.16
Portfolio Performance Version: 0.59.1
Terzo Vorsorgestiftung der WIR Bank
Auberg 1
4002 Basel
Internet www.viac.ch
Email info@viac.ch
Phone 0800 80 40 40
Contract 1.234.567.890 Mr
Portfolio 1.234.567.890.04 Max Mustermann
Musterstrasse 12
1234 Mustercity
Mustertown, 17.06.2022
Cancelation Dividend Payment
We have canceled the following dividend payment for you:
Type of dividend: Refund withholding tax
0.515 Qty CSIF Pacific ex Japan
ISIN: CH0030849654
Dividend payment: CHF 12.00
Amount CHF 6.18
Amount debited: Value date 23.05.2022 CHF 6.18
S. E. & O.
Kind regards
Terzo Pension Foundation
Notice without signature

Please let me know if you need anything else - thank you!

Hi @Nirus,

Just to follow up - is it possible to have the “Refund withholding tax” topic fixed? If so, what would be the timeline on that?

“Cancellation dividend payment” as I understand is not fixable at the moment.

Thanks much

Hello @swisslife
If everything is ok, this should be included in the next release.


Great - thanks much!

1 Like

Hi @Nirus,

I have now updated PP with the latest version and tried the import - here’s the result (have blanked parts of values):


It seems that the importer works for CHF traded funds, but has issues with traded funds in different currencies - presumably because the dividend is then being paid out in CHF by VIAC - any ideas if this can be circumvented?

Many thanks!

Hello @swisslife
Please create a PDF debug and post it here.
The best way to see how this works is to watch the video tutorial.

Video Tutorial:
Extract PDF documents for debugging

Otherwise create the security in CHF?


Hello @Nirus,

  1. This one doesn’t work - as, I believe, it’s for CSIF US - Pension Fund, which is quoted in USD on VIAC, but refund withholding tax is in CHF and the importer is likely not able to convert the amount back to USD (which after all is not needed I guess) for the purpose of having all data points to make the entry in PP - which then creates the “error messages” as in my previous post:
PDFBox Version: 1.8.16
Portfolio Performance Version: 0.59.2
Terzo Vorsorgestiftung der WIR Bank
Auberg 1
4002 Basel
Internet www.viac.ch
Email info@viac.ch
Phone 0800 80 40 40
Contract 1.234.567.890 Mr
Portfolio 1.234.567.890.04 Max Mustermann
Musterstrasse 12
1234 Mustercity
Mustertown, 23.05.2022
Refund withholding tax
We have booked the following dividend payment for you:
Type of dividend: Refund withholding tax
2.055 Qty CSIF US - Pension Fund
ISIN: CH0030849712
Dividend payment: CHF 13.46
Amount CHF 27.67
Amount credited: Value date 23.05.2022 CHF 27.67
S. E. & O.
Kind regards
Terzo Pension Foundation
Notice without signature

  1. This one works - as it’s for CSIF SMI, which is quoted in CHF on VIAC:
PDFBox Version: 1.8.16
Portfolio Performance Version: 0.59.2
Terzo Vorsorgestiftung der WIR Bank
Auberg 1
4002 Basel
Internet www.viac.ch
Email info@viac.ch
Phone 0800 80 40 40
Contract 1.234.567.890 Mr
Portfolio 1.234.567.890.04 Max Mustermann
Musterstrasse 12
1234 Mustercity
Mustertown, 23.05.2022
Refund withholding tax
We have booked the following dividend payment for you:
Type of dividend: Refund withholding tax
3.06 Qty CSIF SMI
ISIN: CH0033782431
Dividend payment: CHF 13.63
Amount CHF 41.72
Amount credited: Value date 23.05.2022 CHF 41.72
S. E. & O.
Kind regards
Terzo Pension Foundation
Notice without signature

Hello @swisslife
Create the security in CHF and download and import the historical rates regularly from onvista.

Here is the CSV with the rates since 2020.
history_281108113-2017-10-10-Y5.txt (33,6 KB) ← rename to *.csv


Hi @Nirus ,

Thanks for the suggestion. That would however result in creating different securities just for the purpose of getting withholding tax refund and would distort the performance of actual securities.

I think in such case it just makes more sense to do the refunds manually (rather than with an importer) as would result in less manual work.

Thanks for trying - appreciate your help. It still works for CHF denominated securities so at least something :slight_smile:

Viac Import fails since the latest App Update

File: 2023-08-31_Börsenabrechnung_CH0030849613_2

PDFBox Version: 1.8.17
Portfolio Performance Version: 0.65.3
Terzo Vorsorgestiftung der WIR Bank
Auberg 1
4002 Basel
E-Mail info@viac.ch
Telefon 0800 80 40 40
Vertrag 1.234.567.890
Portfolio 1.234.567.890.01
Hans Mustermann
Teststrasse 1
1234 Testhausen
Basel, 31.08.2023
Börsenabrechnung - Kauf CSIF Europe ex CH
Wir haben für Sie folgenden Auftrag ausgeführt:
Order: Kauf
0.025 Anteile CSIF Europe ex CH
ISIN: CH0037606552
Kurs: EUR 915.14
Betrag EUR 22.53
Umrechnungskurs CHF/EUR 0.96175 CHF 21.67
Verrechneter Betrag: Valuta 31.08.2023 CHF 21.67
S. E. & O.
Freundliche Grüsse
Terzo Vorsorgestiftung
Anzeige ohne Unterschrift


Hallo @Deleroy
If everything is ok, this should be included in the next release.


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Hi, when I try to import refunds of tax withheld (and/or dividends) into PP the issue seems that while the dividend is CHF and the account is CHF, the import is not supported as the share currency is not CHF… is there any way to mitigate this? Thank you already!

Hello @jpmn

Please watch the tutorial video carefully and post a “complete” PDF debug.

  • Otherwise, please do not change or delete any other data.
  • The personal data must be replaced 1 to 1.
  • Other changes, such as replacing the date or similar, are also counterproductive.
  • No PDF’s which are converted from a browser or similar to PDF
  • No self-scanned paper slips

z. B.

  • Name → Max Mustermann and so on…
  • Address → Blumenstraße
  • IBAN and deposit numbers: The numbers 1 to 1.*

No more and no less… One post per PDF debug please.

Extract PDF documents for debugging