PDF Import from BourseDirect

Hi !
Surprising this french broker (BourseDirect) PDF format import is not yet available in your great tool !

Many thanks for your great job, hope you have the correct information in th efollowing for implementation…
Kind regards,

Here is is the data extract for the Purchase order + Cash input

PDFBox Version: 1.8.17
Portfolio Performance Version: 0.73.0
System: macosx | aarch64 | 21.0.5+11-LTS | Azul Systems, Inc.
Nous vous prions de trouver ci-dessous votre relevé d'opérations. Sans observation de votre part au
sujet du présent relevé, nous le considérerons comme ayant obtenu votre accord. Veuillez agréer nos
salutations distinguées.
Le 10/12/2024
Avis d'Opération
COMPTE N° 508TI00083468688EUR djr gc IxfSFVF QLCdPcgK
Wl BWMJFza ofQropWL 88150  lpePSYq
Date Désignation Débit (€) Crédit (€)
 10/12/2024  ACHAT COMPTANT  FR0011550185  BNPP S&P500EUR ETF  4 978,30
 QUANTITE :  +173
 COURS :  +28,7504  BRUT :  +4 973,82
 COURTAGE :  +4,48  TVA :  +0,00
 Heure Execution: 09:04:28       Lieu: EURONEXT - EURONEXT PARIS
 10/12/2024  ACHAT COMPTANT  FR0011550193  BNPETF STOXX 600  4 090,80
 QUANTITE :  +250
 COURS :  +16,348  BRUT :  +4 087,00
 COURTAGE :  +3,80  TVA :  +0,00
 Heure Execution: 09:04:18       Lieu: EURONEXT - EURONEXT PARIS
 10/12/2024  ACHAT COMPTANT  FR0013412020  AM.PEA MS.EM M.ACC  886,98
 QUANTITE :  +37
 COURS :  +23,921  BRUT :  +885,08
 COURTAGE :  +1,90  TVA :  +0,00
 Heure Execution: 09:04:11       Lieu: EURONEXT - EURONEXT PARIS
 10/12/2024  INVESTISSEMENT ESPECES  VIRT RxZgWTM sadwj  10 000,00
Sous réserve de bonne fin / Ce relevé ne constitue pas une EsfDydL
Les montants des colonnes Débit et Crédit sont stipulés TVA Comprise
Bourse Direct ,  SA au capital de 13.988.845,75 €, R.C.S Paris B 408 790 608, Siège Social : 374 rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris -  Groupe VIEL et Cie

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Hello @Roro06
Welcome to the PP forum :white_check_mark:
We need several PDF documents so that we can create the importer.
We can best determine which ones are suitable for us if you provide them to us.

There should be individual statements for your securities postings. These are relevant for us.

Please watch the tutorial video carefully and post a “complete” PDF debug.

  • Otherwise, please do not change or delete any other data.
  • The personal data must be replaced 1 to 1.
  • Other changes, such as replacing the date or similar, are also counterproductive.
  • No PDFs which are converted to PDF from a browser or similar
  • No self-scanned paper slips

z. B.

  • Name → Max Mustermann and so on…
  • Address → Blumenstraße
  • IBAN and deposit numbers: The numbers 1 to 1.*

No more and no less… One post per PDF debug please.

Video tutorial:
Extract PDF documents for debugging
