This functionality would address a lot of PP issues but given there is no reply I assume no active forum members are using it. Although the Makefile requires a POSIX-like operating system the functionality can be done easily in Windows. The python scripts should be operating system independent.
My issue is the python script under Windows 10 fails at the start, parsing the xml. Can anyone get it to work in a POSIX-like operating system? Commits show the repo is actively maintained.
Thank you for confirming it is working in linux and showing the output, and thanks to @sn1kk3r5 for reporting the Windows error also occurs in MacOS.
I will start working through the code. I wonder if parsing the line ending is an issue?
I’m on another system now: Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2 OS build 22631.3737
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.3737]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Python 3.12.4 (tags/v3.12.4:8e8a4ba, Jun 6 2024, 19:30:16) [MSC v.1940 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> ^Z
E:\sqlite>pip install lxml
Successfully installed lxml-5.2.2
E:\sqlite>python kommer.xml kommer.db
2024-06-25 12:09:04 INFO Handling <security>
2024-06-25 12:09:04 INFO Handling <watchlist>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\sqlite\", line 378, in <module>
conv = PortfolioPerformanceXML2DB(root)
File "E:\sqlite\", line 241, in __init__
File "E:\sqlite\", line 168, in handle_watchlist
fields = {"list": id, "security": self.uuid(sec)}
File "E:\sqlite\", line 55, in uuid
el = self.resolve(el)
File "E:\sqlite\", line 45, in resolve
ref = el.get("reference")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
Driven by a desire for better access to classification data I’ve recently been looking into this as well.
I wasn’t able to ‘make’ dax.dab in a Windows environment, but once I had installed Sqlite3 this was easily performed in Linux (Mint).
The developer of ppxml2db sets out a requirement to use the DAX sample file, but I see you @flywire used kommer.xml. Given the DAX sample file is no longer available from the welcome page I think I understand your reasoning for opting for kommer.xml, but its highly likely there will be differences in the data structure (field names etc) of these two files. I very much suspect this has been the cause of the issue you’ve experienced.
I managed to obtain the DAX sample file from an earlier version of PP and so as to encourage the potential development of ppxml2db I’m attaching a zip file to this post containing that xml file and the DAX.db I created.
While I understand the POC, I guess it does make sense to run this with different portfolio combinations as well.
I mean, the POC already proofed it’s ability to transfer data into a db file.
There is not mutch more knowledge to gain and nothing to win compared when the script runs with your own portfolio.
In this case, you will have access to a wide variety of analyzing possibilities.
Kudos to @pfalcon for persisting with the development to fix Windows issues relying on user feedback for an OS he doesn’t use. I thank him for this great python tool to make PP data more accessible.
Also, thanks to the community for giving me the files to test this tool.
Can you test again?
Please note the caveat which hopefully @AndreasB can accommodate:
I’ve been using ppxml2db every day since the project was started, though “using” is a bit of misnomer, as I was suffering thru it. Due to known deficiencies in PP XML format, portfolio-performance/portfolio#3417, import is very resource-intensive and slow, so it’s a pain to run it any time. So, I’ve grown to make my experiments in portfolio-performance/portfolio#3417 into production-ready code and switch to use the new XML format afterwards. The specific plan is:
Contribute the required changes to PortfolioPerformance. Well, post the pull request to be specific.
Update ppxml2db for new format.
Stop supporting old format (no changes / no bug reports processed).
Usefulness of this for other parties depends on p.1, and of course I don’t have control over whether my contribution will be accepted, in what way, and in which timeframe. So, just posting as a disclosure of future plans.
Sorry I got sidetracked with other stuff, so only just coming back to this now. I’ve got a few comments:-
I’m still only able to perform the ‘make’ in Linux – I tried again in 64bit Windows, but no joy. Perhaps my lack of success in Windows is somehow related to me attempting this with MinGW. I gather there could be few alternatives to performing a ‘make’ in Windows, possibly Chocolatey (???)
I have started to get my head around the taxonomy structure of kommer.db and have devised an SQL query which effectively pulls this off by the two classification levels for that particular portfolio. For example, ‘Europe & Middle East’ is a first level classification for ‘Regions (MSCI)’, which includes Spain and Austria as second level classifications for that region. This is still very much in draft form, but I’m happy to share it as is – the query is in the attached zip file. I’m guessing, hoping this will work with all SQlite databases for PP…
For some reason I couldn’t execute this SQL query in the latest release of SQLiteDatabaseBrowser (v 3.12.2). No problems in doing that though with its current nighty build (v. 3.13.9 / 8569f1b), as is available from here: Release continuous · sqlitebrowser/sqlitebrowser · GitHub
in a command shell save and run the following batch file to test the PP round trip:
eg test kommer
@echo off
if %1!==! goto usage
if exist %1.db del %1.db
if exist tmp.txt del tmp.txt
rem for /f "tokens=*" %%f in (tables.txt) do echo .read %%f.sql >>tmp.txt
for %%f in (*.sql) do echo .read %%f >>tmp.txt
sqlite3 -init tmp.txt %1.db .quit
rem del tmp.txt
@echo on
@python --version
@python --version
python %1.xml %1.db
python %1.db %12.xml
goto end
@echo off
echo Usage: %0 filename(without extension)
[If you add *.sql files to the folder from the repo then create tables.txt with a list of the repo sql files (without the extension) and enable line with in (tables.txt) instead of in (*.sql).]