Report with different combinations of taxonomy

Just wanted to understand, if there is a possibility to get relational report with respect to the taxonomy

For example I have a taxonomy defined

  1. Security Type
    In which I defined
    A. Mutual Fund
    B. Stock

Second taxonomy I defined as
2. Family,
Within which sub category is
A. Member 1
B. Member 2
C. Member 3

Now if I can generate reports in different combinations like

  1. Mutual fund investment for all family members with investment against each member
  2. All investment of a family member (member 1)

I hope, I have been able to explain it properly!! If not, my apologies in advance.

A help will be very much appreciated


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No, for the time being it is not possible to combine taxonomies like that.

Ok thanks.

But if made Possible, it will be really helpful to monitor family level investment.

Hope one day it will be implemented

With my best regards

  1. All investment of a family member (member 1)

This one is not a combination between taxonomies, is it ? So there should be no problem for this ?

If everyone invests in distincts stock/funds, then you can do sub-sub categories for case 1.

You are right. If there is a common securities among family members, then it may not work.

It would probably be better to use different securities accounts. But still, there is no way of combining account filters and taxonomy categories.

I already have three security account for each family member.

There is a concept of Family Wealth or Family Office. Where I monitor family level investment. Often one invests in name of family members for tax liability reduction purpose, In such scenario, monitoring investment at family level is imperative.

From this perspective, I was checking various options.

Thanks for your feedback.

you could export the summary in taxonomy tab to a CSV and then stitch the reports there?

different use case which maybe relevant is that to have different taxonomies for one security. Just did that by “duplicating” the security and then renaming it and giving it different taxonomies. Using this in the UK for different taxable accounts (SIPP, ISA, Trading) that has the same security