Stock prices in pence (GBX)

Hi There, great tool. Please note stocks/shares listed in London are in pence so the prices I get using the tool are too high (X100). For example in EURO a price may be 1,00 but in London in GBP the equivalent would be 100 cents.

Would love it if you could fix this

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You could set currency symbol GBX rather than GBP at securities which solve your problem.

Thank you for this tip, it was obvious but I did not see it. Pleae let me know if I should delete my post.

With this solution you cannot use PDF Import for dividends, when the broker reports amount in GBP instead of GBX.

Is there a way around - like an automated source for share price in GBP? I did not find any such source far.
My only idea is to manually adjust the share price before manually importing share price into the PP program.

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Iā€™m facing the same issue (import from interacitve brokers). Have you found a solution in the meantime?

I am afraid not. If you have many shares with the GBP/GBX problem, you could create a custom exchange rate for GBP to your base currency which adjuststs for the share price being in GBX. Custom exchange rate has proirity over the ECB rates, which portfolio portfolio automatically imports.