Very impressed with Portfolio Performance! It done a great job helping me track the performances of my portfolios.
Unfortunately, one of my retirement accounts is a 457b. The options I can choose from include the “Target Retirement 2050 Composite Index”, which does not have ticker symbols that are tracked by Portfolio Performance. While it does have a CUSIP symbol (92204E878), it does not appear under “New Instrument”.
Is there a way to have this appear on the Portfolio Report API? Vanguard provides daily CSV files on the investment webiste, but I’m not sure how to import this into the application so that it process automatically: Vanguard - Product detail -
If you have a security that cannot be found under “New instrument”, you can also create an “Empty instrument” and enter the corresponding parameters yourself.
“Pfad zu Kurs” is translated as “Path to Close” in the English version of the application in case any other English users are trying to troubleshoot this in the future, but everything in your post worked perfectly!