Wrong currency conversion on Statement of Assets view

Am I missing something or did I found a bug on the currency conversion of an asset in the "Statement of Assets (Standard) view?

My base currency is EUR and have a stock in USD, but the Market Value is higher in euros than in USD. Which is weird taking in consideration that at time of writing 1 euro is worth more than 1 USD. 557,76 USD are not worth 604,28 EUR.

Just switching the view between displaying the data in USD or in EUR one can see the inconsistency:

This will then also skew the chart graph under statement of assets.

Sorry if it is already known.

Version: 0.71.2, Windows 10

No, I do not assume a bug. Kindly check the currency converter at the left bottom side at currencies what exchange rate is determined.

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The typical reason would be that you’ve tried to add an exchange rate yourself.

Thank you both for the tips.
Now I understand the issue.
At some point in time I’ve added “EURUSD=X” to the list of my securities because I wanted to have a chart with the exchange rate over time.
When I go to Exchange Rates under Currencies section I see a lot of EUR to other currencies with ECB as the provider, but then almost at the end I see USD to EUR with the provider: Security based exchanged, and basically the rate there is reversed, thus I was seeing the value in USD bigger then in EUR.
When I deleted “EURUSD=X” from the security list, the issue went away. For some reason it is confusing EURUSD with USDEUR.
