Yahoo quoting in GBp (rather than GBP)

The quotes for UC44.L on Yahoo are in GBp rather than GBP (ie in pence). This means all the calculations are out by a factor of 100.

Any recommendations on how to account for this? It doesn’t seem possible to set the instrument currency to GBp, or somehow amend the price data being received? Thanks

Sorry, never mind - I’ve found the GBX currency !

Hi, I had the exact same issue - can I ask exactly how you managed to fix this? Thanks!

As stated, there is the currency code GBX, which is for pence.

Thanks! I changed the security’s currency to GBX. However, I’m getting an error when I try and import trades (“value” is the total amount in GBP). What am I missing here?

edit - this is the message I get:


You may have to add a column with the exchange rate (which would be a constant 100).