Fehlübersetzung in Niederländisch

Ich wollte nur auf eine seltsame Übersetzung in PP hinweisen.
Der Fehler ist:
Auf Niederländisch, wenn zum Beispiel in ‘Overzicht van activa’ oder ‘Alle effecten’ kein Wertpapier ausgewählt ist und im unteren Fenster ‘Grafiek’ aktiv ist, ist der Text: “Geen beveiliging geselecteerd”. Es ist eine Fehlübersetzung des englischen „security“. Ich denke, es sollte sagen, ‘Geen effect geselecteerd’.

Ich habe versucht, dies dem „Übersetzungsteam“ mitzuteilen, habe aber nicht verstanden wie das functioniert. Ich lande auf einer leeren Seite, wenn ich das abonniere.


Hallo @Arthur_Bueno


Registrieren, Sprache auswählen… und los gehts.


danke, ich habe all diese Schritte durchlaufen, aber nichts beginnt, ich bin ganz allein, es gibt eine Aufteilung in Projekte, aber kein Projekt an dem ich mitarbeite, eine große Leere. Nichts zu sehen, was andere tun oder sagen.
Ich hatte nur diesen kleinen Kommentar. Muss ich dafür speziell ein Projekt erstellen oder so?
Wer wird sich das ansehen?

Hallo @Arthur_Bueno
hier ein Anleitungs-Video… ohne Ton!



I’m also interested into contributing. My native language is Dutch (Belgian). Maybe we can join forces?

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Yeah, sure… it’s open source…

danke Alex, ich verstehe gut wie man sich irgendwo einloggt. Der Punkt ist, dass nach dem Einloggen absolut nichts zu tun ist. Es gibt anscheinend “Projekte”, aber ich kann keines davon sehen. Ich sehe kein weg etwas zu posten, es gibt keine Spur von jemand anderem im Forum.

Deze pagina

Hi, yes we can do that, although I don’t have many complaints about the current translation, just some minor errors…

Hello @Arthur_Bueno

I hope you can actively support us to correct the spelling and errors in your local language.

Ik hoop dat u ons actief kunt ondersteunen om de spelling en fouten in uw lokale taal te corrigeren. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you Nirus, I know how to select a language. Why don’t you try it yourself: click the Dutch flag, and then tell me what next step there is to take.

Thanks but sorry I don’t have time for that right now. My conclusion is that nobody is working on a Dutch Translation of Portfolio Performance. I just wanted to make a small suggestion, not to start a project in an area where I appear to be the first.

That’s very unfortunate that you think that way.
If you look closely at the video in my post above, you can see that I click with the mouse on the respective flag and then edit the translations.

Too bad too bad too bad… again wasted life time, started a TeamsMeeting for nothing, waited at the PC to then get such an answer.

I will make one last attempt, then this topic is finished for me.
I have attached the *.csv file as an export here with your desired language. You can edit this in Excel and then mail it to portfolio dot performance dot help at gmail dot com.

Portfolio_Performance_Dutch.txt (221,9 KB) <— RENAME THE FILE from *.txt to *.csv

You convinced me, I much apologize for fhe lifetime spent, but it’s not in vain. I now actually clicked the flag myself, and saw all sorts of wonderful things, like great translation errors where ‘security’ was translated as ‘beveiliging’. Real poetic beauties, like:

  • Select the security. The extracted prices will be added to this security.
    Selecteer de beveiliging. De gewonnen prijzen worden toegevoegd aan deze beveiliging.
    Revert to German:
    Sicherheit auswählen. Die gewonnenen Preise werden diesem Schutz hinzugerechnet.

Okay, I will spend some lifetime to work a bit more sense into it.

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Just one thing, what happens after I make a correction, I assume it will be checked by someone before it’s applied in the software?

Yeah, some translations are by software, and it is not surprising that they are very bad, especially since the translation engine isn’t given any context. The rationale is “bad translations are still better than having no translations for some strings, and therefore a mixed-language UI”. So it would be great to have, for each language, someone who looks over the strings and fixes the most obvious errors at least; and editing the strings directly is preferable over just reporting in the hope that someone else may, perhaps, do an update based on the report.

I’m not sure whether there is some kind of review queue, or a view of recent changes that another Dutch user can cross-check. But at some point, it will go directly into PP; there is no other authority for all those languages.


I’ll do my best. Not immediately, but shortly. Happy to be of help.


That would be great…!
We need users like you to make the program better!
Also @buchen will be happy about it!

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By the way, since most of the developers are native speakers of German, the German strings are often the most correct and idiomatic. The English translations are done by humans at least, but may be wrong or misleading as well.

Thank you. When I open PO editor it shows me all originals in English. It’s fine for me to translate directly from German. How can I make it show me the German texts?