Importing securities data for silver

I would like to import the price of silver in EUR/kg.

I have already downloaded the historical prices by CSV.

I would like to update the price on a daily basis.

I have the following webpage which has the silver price in EUR/kg:

On the above webpage I have the following table:

Can someone explain how I can scrape the price highlighted above on a daily basis? Is it possible to automate?

Use the json-provider:

EDIT: at the end of the URLs is =EUR. This is changeable to CAD, USD or GBP.


Wow! Thank you!
So now the live prices will update everyday?
How do you know to use this link in the JSON url:

If I want to also get Platinum and Gold prices in EUR/kg, do I need to change security ID? What should i change them to?

I hope so.

There are already some explanations here in the forum, for example Cannot find investment funds in search - #30 by ProgFriese

securityId=AUX is gold
securityId=PDX is palladium

securityId=PTX is platinum