Hello @hug-sch, some little ideas for the Manual :
In the How-To : A topic about booking fees when they are related to a reduction in held shares. The intermediate solution is to model it by two transactions : first the sell of the shares, then a Fee transaction on the cash account. However it can actually be done in a single operation through Outbound Delivery by putting the fees amount directly inside, equals to the total sold. Then the final value of outbound delivery will be 0, which would not have been possible with a simple Sell transaction. The question arises regularly, so I think it would be a worthwhile article :
I think this may also be interesting as a how-to thread in the forum. -
A topic about the account Filter feature. It is already quickly described here https://help.portfolio-performance.info/en/reference/view/reports/statement/#available-views
but I think it deserves it owns article to explain what this can do. This is I believe a key feature of PP as it allows to model any combination of accounts, as sometimes Securities+Reference account is not enough. And even in this case, I still use the Filter just to give shorter custom name to my “Securities+Reference account” groups.
It is also regularly asked in the forum.
Those two topics are relevant in my view as they are part of the more generic question “How can I model XXX in PP ?”. The solutions are there in PP, but not always super well known, so the manual can help a lot here.
- I just discovered Ctrl+G and Ctrl+N shortcuts. Maybe they can be added there User Interface - Portfolio Performance Manual
Maybe the shortcuts deserve their own article ? Some shortcut are related to the user interface but not all of them.