Wrong dates when exporting security transactions as CSV

I don’t know how to reproduce it, but with the latest version (0.58.5 Jun 2022) I have noticed that the export messes up the dates apparently in a random fashion. Transactions that in PP appear to have the correct date, have a completely wrong one in the csv file.

Re-exporting seems to work, but in this way I always have to check whether it is correct. It would be great if you could have a look.

If you have one such “messed up” file, can you share?

And how do you start the export? From the menu? From the toolbar?

Anything that can help me isolate the problem a little bit further is good.

Sure, how can I send it to you?

From the security accounts tab, then I click on transactions, and then on the button to export as CSV.

Send it to portfolio dot performance dot help at gmail dot com

And let me know what the expected dates as well

Just sent. I think the problem is that it’s getting the corresponding date (in terms of entries) from another account, and mixing them up. Possibly because these different security accounts share the same name (they are all named IBKR something).

Any news on this?

Seems to me that the CSV export out of “All entries” via top right button works, but if you choose to export from an account (£with the button the error still persist, it looks like it’s randomly messing up dates (current PP v0.59.1)

We need a sample file to reproduce this to fix the error.


Just tried and found our, that when I export it again the dates seem correct now - same as described above if you export once more it’s correct. Any idea to reproduce it?

Just in case it helps, the dates are not chosen at random, but taken from other accounts. Say, you export account A, and then the first entry takes the date from the first entry of account B and so on.

Seems like the CSV export is still corrupt. Attached two CSVs, exported directly after each other without any changes in PP. They are definetly not the same and I wonder if someone can look into it.
CSV export error.zip (11,6 KB)

really strange

Right?! Doesn’t make any sense to me at all that some dates are mixed up…

I was able to reproduce the issue.
Faulty data is generated for the elements which are not visible. But only if you have reordered the list before.

I’ve created a minimal example file csv_export_wrong_names.xml (11,5 KB) with only 10 transaction each with inidivual date which are easy to distinguish.
With that I reduced the size of the area for the transaction list to only see 2-3 items. Then I re-orderd the list by clicking on the date column header. And then I executed the export. In the resulting CSV file you can see the wrong dates.

I have submitted a proposal for a solution:


Thanks @OnkelDok - I was never able to reproduce. Now we have good set of fixes lined up. I hope to create a new release today or tomorrow


Der Fix von @OnkelDok ist jetzt mit Version 0.61.1 veröffentlicht.